Editor's Letter: Spring & Sunrise Bring Resets (Plus What's Trending On 30Seconds This Week) by Elisa Schmitz

Editor's Letter: Spring & Sunrise Bring Resets (Plus What's Trending On 30Seconds This Week)

I have good news.

Spring brings rebirth every year. That means as disappointed as we may be to see things hibernate or die in fall or winter, we can look forward to a reset with new life emerging every year.

But there’s even better news.

Sunrise brings rebirth every day. That means as disappointed as we may be in what happens on any given day, we can look forward to a reset when we open our eyes every morning.

So if you’re discouraged, worried, sad or scared, or just not feeling well for whatever reason, remember that yes, the sun sets, but it also rises – like clockwork. That means you can close your eyes knowing that when you wake up, you can try again. Each sunrise is a new chance to do better, to feel better, to be better. A fresh opportunity to realize your full potential and be the best version of yourself, no matter what that looks like and how much it changes over time.

This is what I’m working on each day, and I’m pretty sure it’ll require a lifetime full of springs and sunrises. How lucky we are to have both.

Here's What's Trending On 30Seconds This Week

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Love the spring and love the sunrise, but sunsets are pretty great, too!
I’m working on this, too. 🙏🏼
Elisa Schmitz
We're all works in progress, right? Thank you for reading along with me!
Dieter Schmitz
Sunrises are one of life’s true beauties, especially in the spring and summer. Though early, they are such a joy. Grab a cup of coffee, and sit outside as the sun peeks over the horizon. You’ll smile all day long. Thanks Elisa A. Schmitz 30Seconds for the spark and inspiration.
Elisa Schmitz
Thank YOU for inspiring me, every single day, Dieter Schmitz ! XOXO
Mike Prochaska
Truth every day a new day

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