Finding Peace Starts at Home: Here's Why Today I Will Purge the Home I've Been Blessed With by Laura Allen-Davis

5 years ago

Finding Peace Starts at Home: Here's Why Today I Will Purge the Home I've Been Blessed With

Yesterday was “my Friday.” The past few "my Fridays" I have been immediately looking for a flight "out of here." Somewhere warm, somewhere sunny, somewhere with an ocean, just flying over the clouds, looking down on Earth, all the things that bring me peace and calm. Yesterday and this morning, I found myself doing the same, looking for the peace and calm, trying to find it on a flight to somewhere, anywhere.

This morning, I canceled all my listings. I'm not going anywhere. I had an "a-ha" moment" – I realized I'm not "getting away." I'm “running away.” I'm running away from the chaos, the clutter, the negative vibes, the unsettled feeling I feel on the inside, the noise. I'm running from fears, doubts, worries, the stagnation and the overwhelming responsibilities. I'm running from the so many things I need to do, but don't know where to start.

My to-do list is so long, it's paralyzing. I realized I feel no peace in my home! As soon as I walk through the door, I feel like it's just one big long to-do list; a never-ending chore, a place where I'm listening to everybody's complaints and ailments – and speaking out loud my own complaints and ailments.

No! There is something wrong with that!

Your home should bring you a sense of peace. It should be a safe place for you physically, emotionally and spiritually when you walk through the door. It doesn't matter if it's a one-room shack or a 50-room mansion, it should be a place you want to be!

Yes, I can hop on a flight to anywhere and feel the peace, the restoration, the calm and rejuvenation, but as soon as I get back home, the noise, it's there again, instantly. The to-do list is still there staring me in the face, waiting, except now there’s a few more things added to that list. This past year it has been life events, change of jobs and serious health problems (that I'm still dealing with physically and emotionally). Worry for my grandmother, my child and my grandchildren, my family. My friends. Death of cherished loved ones. (I haven't even grieved yet.) Loss and damage of property and the everyday dealings has been just a tad bit unsettling and harder for me to deal with, to say the least.

So, today I canceled my flights. I'm not running. I'm staying and starting in my home. I'm cleaning, clearing out, getting rid of, eliminating all the unused and unwanted. I'm purging. I'm starting in one room, then moving to the next room. I will be tossing out junk and doubts and worries and negative vibes. I will be de-cluttering one drawer at a time, organizing, remembering, grieving and releasing. I will be cleaning and scrubbing, rejuvenating and restoring. I will be thinning closets and recycling to those in need.

Today I will be purging. Purging my home, my soul and my mind. Today I will turn on my music, talk to the Lord, pray and clean in my time alone. Today I will bring back the peace and the calm, making my home my ultimate getaway, the sacred, peaceful, welcoming, loving place that God blessed me with! Not just so it will be a blessing to me, but for everyone that passes through my front door.

Next week I will be on a flight to somewhere, because I like to fly and I love the ocean – and I have free flight benefits because I work for an airline. But today I will be bringing back the peace and calm to my soul, my heart and my mind – and I will be starting at home.

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Adrian Cain
Laura, I feel your heart in this and am thankful for your wisdom and strength to face your challenges with courage and take care of You! God is so good! ❤
Laura Allen-Davis
Adrian!!! thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I am definitely learning to "take care of me", while still loving and helping others. Ironically just sitting down writing and pouring out my heart has been so very therapeutic! It's rewarding to know, in some small way my sharing has helped at least 1 person! I'm a work in progress, laughing at myself through this life! showing compassion & being kind, and understanding my purpose, "to help others, in whatever way I can" stay blessed Adrian. Love You Sister Girl!
Kathy Ast
Powerful post. Thank you.
Elisa Schmitz
“Today I will be bringing back the peace and calm to my soul, my heart and my mind – and I will be starting at home.” This is something so many of us can relate to. You have inspired me to do the same. Many thanks for these motivating words. Welcome to our community of writers, Laura! Can’t wait to se what you share with us next! 😀
Laura Allen-Davis
Thank you Elisa and Kathy! I really do appreciate the encouragement!
Joe Campbell
You go! I hope you get some of those cobwebs out too and let that glorious light shine. Clear that clutter!
Good for you! I find myself facing big changes professionally, including a potential move. I have started a big time decluttering project - decades of old financial documents shredded, 25+ bins of old baby and kid clothes and accessories to Goodwill, dropped an old TV and 1989 era computer off for e-recycling this morning. I am still moving in and out of panic mode about the logistics of a potential move, but it feels so good to get this stuff out of the house!
Glenda Bundy
Hi Laura, love your post! I figured out years ago that as long as I purge my mind on a regular basis, purging everything else comes easy 😊

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