#30Seconds Live: Watch Our Interview With Meredith Schneider About Our 7-Day Fitness Challenge! by Meredith Schneider

6 years ago

No excuses, 30Seconds tribe! Are you ready for my 7-Day Fitness Challenge? For seven days, a new exercise will be posted right here with details on how to do the move. No matter what your fitness goals are, each exercise will help you tone, tighten and strengthen your body. Don't let the specific exercise limit you – get creative!

Want to win some prizes? Grab your phone, snap a picture of yourself doing your exercise and post it below. Everyone who participates will get a prize and there will be a grand prize drawing during my #30Seconds Live on Facebook (stay tuned for details!).

Day seven’s fitness challenge is a walking plank with push-up. Here’s how to do to a walking plank with push-up:

  • Start in standing position, keeping your legs straight as possible.
  • Slide your hands down your legs and walk your hands out into a plank then pushup position.
  • Bend your elbows and drop down, press up and walk your hands all the way back up.

Getting into a 1,2,3 count rhythm when walking your hands out helps to stay focused and keep that good form. Repeat as many walking plank push-ups as you can in 30 seconds.

Day 7: Walking Plank With Push-up

Be proud of yourself for crushing this #30Seconds 7 Day Fitness Challenge! Keep your bodies moving and incorporate these exercises into your fitness routine. I’ll see everyone on Facebook LIVE Thursday, January 25, at 1 p.m. We will recap the challenge and announce prizes everyone is receiving and our one grand prize winner.

Day six’s fitness challenge is mountain climbers. Here’s how to climb that mountain:

  • Get into a strong plank position.
  • Bring one knee up toward the chest with both feet planted on the ground.
  • Then jump, switch the knees up toward your chest, be sure to land on the balls of your feet.

Don’t forget to focus on your form: shoulders over your wrists, back flat and keep your core tight. Go! Go! Go! Pump those knees to your chest and breathe!

Day 6: Mountain Climbers

Day five’s fitness challenge is old school jumping jacks. Here’s how to perform a jumping jack:

  • Stand up tall, jump with your feet apart, arms pressed overhead.
  • Then jump your feet back together and lower your arms at your side.

Complete as many jumping jacks as you can in 30 seconds. Don’t forget to keep your core tight, head and chest lifted and breathe. Be proud of yourself and keep taking care of you!

Day 5: Jumping Jacks

Day four’s fitness challenge is push-ups. Here’s how to perform a proper push-up:

  • Starting out in plank position, place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart, press your hips forward so that your spine is in a straight alignment.
  • Next, bend your elbows and lower your chest to the floor, then straighten your arms to the start position.

Modified Push-ups:

  • Get into a push-up position, knees on the ground, hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
  • Press your hips forward, lower down onto your knees.
  • Drop your chest to the ground, making sure you keep your torso straight. 
  • Exhale and press back to the start position.

Repeat as many times as you can for 30 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds in between each set. Complete at least three to five sets.

Remember, modify your push-up as needed. It’s better to modify versus compromising your form. As you feel yourself getting stronger do regular push-ups. You’ve got this! You are stronger than you think.

Day 4: Push-ups

Day three’s fitness challenge is the chair pose. Here’s how to perform a strong chair pose:

  • Bring your feet together and squeeze your inner thighs.
  • Sink back and down into squatted position and roll your shoulders back and down.
  • Tuck in your tail bone, while pulling your belly button into your spine. (Think of those dolls that have a pull string in their back. Visualize your string being pulled so that it pulls your belly button in.)
  • Raise your arms directly above you, palms facing each other. Be sure to keep your biceps by your ears.
  • P.S. Don’t forget to breathe and relax!
  • Hold that position for 30 seconds. Do at least three to five sets.

Day 3: Chair Pose

Day two’s fitness challenge is the forearm plank. Here's how to perform the perfect plank (keep form in mind):

  • Keep your head in line with your neck, butt down and back flat (if you catch yourself sagging your lower back – slightly lift your hips and tighten your core).
  • Keep legs together and straight, press through your heels so calves are lengthened.
  • Keep elbows directly under shoulders.
  • Core tight and squeeze your cheeks (aka glutes)!

Read the 5 ways planks help your body!

Day 2: Forearm Plank

Day one's fitness challenge is the basic squat. Be sure that your your body is warmed up before starting. Here's how to do a basic squat:

  • Stand tall, head up, chest up, feet hip width apart, keep your core tight.
  • Lower your body, sink your weight into your heels (wiggling your toes helps pitch weight into your heels) push your hips and butt back, thrust your hips forward when back up and squeeze your butt when back to a full stand.
  • Complete three to five sets of 30 seconds a set. Focus on your form versus speed of your squats.

Day 1: Basic Squat

Can't wait to see your pictures and read about your progress below!

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Elisa Schmitz
Yaaas! I’m in, you know it! 💪
Holly Budde
all done ! but u dont get any photo today, i did morning squats in pj's, an office set (clumpsy work out attire!) and tonight while blow drying my hair. No way am I sending those pics 😂😂💪💯
Meredith Schneider
Holly Budde what matters is you did it! 💪🍑 love you squatted throughout the day. I’ll post my pix below. 😊
sherry bracy
Hey Meredith just posted my comment hun! :)
sherry bracy
I did it..but cannot get a photo to upload just yet. all I had was 4 yr old grand daughter to try to explain to her how to take a picture! LOL kind of hard to get pics when we are not with anyone to "take the pic" but ourselves! LOL I did it in my PJ's this amand then kept doing them while i helped grand daughter pick her toys up and would do them while putting dinner in the oven etc. AND of course before sitting on the commode hahaha. thought you would like that comment! LOL :) Where is everyone elses at? I only see Holly right now?
Meredith Schneider
Action shot from today! #NoExcuses
sherry bracy
Nice!! is that at the gym you work at?
Meredith Schneider
Yes. I run 4 classes a week. But this was at then end of a workout I did with my co-workers. Told them about our 7 day fitness challenge and they had to help me out with taking a pix. #GoGoGo girl!
Karen L
I did it but my 8yr old assistant forgot to take pic, she was busy laughing and telling me not to fart. LOL
I will take one in morning when I do 2nd challenge :)
Meredith Schneider
Baaaaaah! Too funny! Kids say the funniest things. Keep it up and keep sharing each day. #30Seconds Tribe ROCKS!
lorri langmaid
Started my morning off with doing basic squats. And, even though I can't walk, I feel great. It was just me, so no photo. But sure felt these!!!
Meredith Schneider
No worries about not pix! Sharing how you feel and that you are participating in the challenge is awesome. Keep it up! We are gonna work muscles over the next 7 days we didn't know we had. Looking forward to day 3! :)
Nicole DeAvilla
#NoExcuses! I am sick this week, but I can still do this!
sherry bracy
Ohh thats no good! I hope its not the flu. double up on Vit C Nicole and make sure you stay hydrated sweety!
Nicole DeAvilla
Yes, I am taking good care of myself and feeling better today! Thanks! xo
Meredith Schneider
Oh Nicole DeAvilla feel better fast! Love ya! Talk about #noexcuses :)
sherry bracy
Whew OK I did the day #2 challenge also! Its harder than it looks! Im gonna do it a few more times today. Its just me and a littleone again. I see this is most of everyones problems getting a photo . Keep up the great work Tribe!!! on;ly 5 more to go woohooo!! (actually I think i will start incorporating these into my everyday even after the 7 day challenge! )
Holly Budde
ha! me and little T r planking right now. Go tribe go!!
Meredith Schneider
Awesome! Drop and plank as often as you can! Planks do a body good! ;) I have seen and felt a significant difference in my core with adding planks. Hang on for Day 3!
lorri langmaid
Day 2 Now these Forearm Plank exercise have always been a challange for me, even when I was in my 20's. I haven't tried them for years. But, so keep with the Challenge, I tried them. It was very hard to keep for 30 seconds. And I did 3 at a time and had to rest. But at least I tried!!
Meredith Schneider
Awesome job lorri langmaid ! Planks are challenging but so worth it. Your engaging so many muscles the benefits are endless. Feels good when you can hold them longer and longer each time. Keep it up!
lorri langmaid
Thanks Meredith, do find I'm building up more strength each day I try these!
Holly Budde
ME and the dog r planking. Kids watching momma June “not to hot” and just called me momma June for doing this!!! #killmyself
Meredith Schneider
Ahhhhh! Look at you Holly Budde! Woohooo! Your dog is a cutie! #noexcuses #GoGoGo
Gwen Johnson
Is i t too late to jump in here? Love challenges like this.
Meredith Schneider
It’s never too late to start
Gwen Johnson ! No excuses 😘💪 Having fun with this challenge and having extra accountability doing the together. GO GO GO!
sherry bracy
Yayyy Day #3 completed!! I love that you are giving detailed info on how to do all these correctly!! Im incorporating day #1 and day #2 into my everyday moving along with day #3 now! Thanks Meredith!! Keep up the amazing work tribe!! Love seeing all of us involved in this!
Meredith Schneider
Woohoo sherry bracy ! This is the virtual version of how I teach my classes during the week. Love your already incorporating each day into a routine. Keep it up! 😘💪
Elisa Schmitz
It is definitely not too late, Gwen Johnson ! Jump right in and catch up. It's fun, even tho it's challenging. Hey Meredith Schneider , you have inspired my life of planking, LOL! And you know what, it is making a huge difference. I think there's hope for my abs yet! Loving the photos and will try to get some of me (my house emptied out and so I need to get a photographer, LOL!) Thank you for inspiring me! Way to go, Holly Budde sherry bracy lorri langmaid Nicole DeAvilla SillySheep !!
lorri langmaid
Day #3 Oh these were a challange but found I was able to do the whole challange for five sets!!! Yay for me!! and all of us for trying!!!
Meredith Schneider
Woohoo lorri langmaid ! So happy for you. Keep it up. Rock out today's push-ups. GO GO GO!
sherry bracy
I seriously have not done push up in a while!! I do admit this!! LOL wasnt too bad! I did 3 reps of them! yayyy me!! :) Keep up the great work everyone!
Meredith Schneider
Yay sherry bracy ! I have to admit I used to so not like doing push-ups because they were so hard. But as I got stronger I didn't mind them so much and stopped modifying them. We need to give ourselves and body more credit. Our minds can be our worst enemy. GO GO GO! You are rocking this #30Seconds Fitness Challenge.
lorri langmaid
Day #4 I will say I work out at the gym,but usually hoping on the bike or stationmaster. These daily challenges are having me try things I haven't done in years. I use to be pretty good at push-ups. I might have had to rest a little longer between them, but did them!! Loving these all and thank you!!!
Meredith Schneider
lorri langmaid don't be hard on yourself. It's ok to rest a little longer if needed. Key thing is you are doing the exercises and you are listening to your body. Keep it up you are doing awesome!
sherry bracy
LOVED the doing the Jumping Jacks on day #5 of this challenge!! We are rockin it tribe!!
Meredith Schneider
Me too sherry bracy ! Jumping jacks are not only fun but get the heart rate going! GO GO GO!
lorri langmaid
Day #5 Jumping Jacks, I love doing jumping hacks. They are just good old fashion fun exercise!! Bring back memories of when I was much younger. And makes me feel good knowing I can still do these!!!
Meredith Schneider
lorri langmaid Nothing better than bringing back fun memories while exercising! Who said working out wasn't fun?! LOL! GO GO GO!
Pam McCormick
Okay, I'm a little late to the game but I'm IN! My "Day One" starts TODAY! Thanks, Meredith! :-)
Meredith Schneider
Good Morning Pam McCormick ! It's never too late to start! Each day share your progress in comments below and any questions. GO GO GO!
sherry bracy
Day #6 done!! I do say this one has been the Hardest one so far for me out of these 6 days LOL!! Im looking forward to seeing what our day 7 challenge is! and YES Im still incorporating all the other days challenges into everyday moves!! Go Tribe!!
sherry bracy
Again we appreciate YOU Meredith Schneider for challenging all of us to get healthier this year!
sherry bracy
OK Day 7 Done!! Yayyy ME!!! and WOW this is by far the hardest one to do in this 7 day challenge, or is it just me? maybe im too old and feel it more? LOLOL. I do feel like I have more energy during the day now than I had before starting this. I am going to keep doing all of these fitness challenge exercises, as I do think it is helping with the tiredness I had been feeling lately. Im positive the more days I incorporate these the more energy I will be feeling in the future! so watch out Tribe If Im all hyped up next time you talk to me! LOL :) Thanks Again Meredith Schneider for the very FUN week!
Meredith Schneider
Oh my goodness sherry bracy! Your comments fill my heart and make me so happy for you. It’s amazing what tiny changes can do for our bodies and mind. Today’s exercise was hard but feels good to crush those walking plank push-ups! 💪 Keep it up and see everyone on the #30Seconds twitter chat tonight!
lorri langmaid
Oops forgot to post Day #6 or I l=might be that I can finally walk to the computer. That was so hard but man, did it burn and make me feel better after!!
Meredith Schneider
LOL! No worries! That means you pushed yourself YAY! Mountain climbers ROCK! GO GO GO!
lorri langmaid
Day #7 Okay so this was the hardest on for me, but I was sure proud after I was done!!! Thank you so much for this 7 Day workout challenge!! i am going to add these to my regular exercise program, because that has only been StairMaster or bike. I had to goal to step up my workout routine and I do believe this will help me to achieve that goal. Thanks for doing this Meredith and taking the time to comment such positive posts!!! Bit Shout Out to you!!!
Meredith Schneider
Oh yes lorri langmaid today was hard! But a good hard. You are right..feels good to be proud of pushing yourself. These 7 exercises will so help you step up your routine. It's good to mix up your exercises and routine to confuse your muscles and work muscles we didn't know we had. I'm always challenging myself and body. We have to keep a positive attitude and our body will follow and do more than we thought we were capable of. So proud of you for sticking with each day! See you on Twitter tonight! GO GO GO!
Meredith Schneider
So excited for tonight's chat! #30Seconds Tribe I'm all yours tonight!
Bring your questions,
Share progress from the past 7 days,
Share how your gonna incorporate these moves into your workout routines. GO GO GO! #NoExcuses #youmatter #loveyourself

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