Getting Zen: What One Mom Learned After a Year of Meditation! Mindfulness

My resolution last year was to try meditation. Here I am, a year later, completely hooked! 

Previously, I felt I was a self-aware type of gal open to all forms of self-help. I was skeptical that meditation would make a difference in my already-aware mind. Boy, was I wrong! Meditation has calmed me yet made me alert in a bright and focused way. I no longer obsess over events. I finally took away my son's diaper at bedtime and I wasn't stressed out one bit. I have three boys and a business, yet rarely does my to-do list spiral out of control. 

Meditation is miraculous, you must try it!

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Comments (1)

Elisa Schmitz
Meditation changed my life, too, Eirene Heidelberger! The simple act of being still and breathing totally resets me. Thanks for sharing this!
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