It's Time to Let Go of What Isn't Working: Here's a Mindfulness Trick to Help! by Jennifer Coken

5 years ago

It's Time to Let Go of What Isn't Working: Here's a Mindfulness Trick to Help!

If negative thoughts are keeping you up at night, it's time to forgive and move on. When we forgive someone else we are "committing a conscious act of rebellion" against our own ego. Our ego is designed to interpret and adapt to "reality." But when that is happening we become separated from each other, from ourselves and from that universal life force that is pure love. Love can never be offended and love is needed now more than ever on our planet. 

Write down everything that isn’t working, from the littlest thing to the biggest thing. Go way back into your childhood if you want. This is your chance to write down:

  • Grudges.
  • Resentments.
  • Regrets.
  • Beating yourself up for something you did.
  • Beating yourself up for something you didn’t do.
  • Beating someone else up for something that they did or didn’t do.
  • Life being unfair.

Let go and let love win!

Get more tips about letting go!

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Elisa Schmitz
TRUTH! This is so very powerful, Jennifer Coken . We need to free ourselves of these past hurts, of all kinds, so we can move forward and be happy. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Jennifer Coken
You are so welcome. Sometimes it is so hard because we are so hard on ourselves, right?
Debbie Howard
Absolutely - great advice. I love this exercise and will do it!
Jennifer Coken
Thanks Debbie. I have to remind myself to do it sometimes. Please let me know how it goes!
Dawn Taylor
I love this- not always easy to do but necessary. I try to remind myself that all you can do is control your own actions and reactions

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