Reflecting After the Las Vegas Shooting: Stop the HATE, Remember the LOVE by Gina Pomering

Opinion Headlines
6 years ago

Reflecting After the Las Vegas Shooting: Stop the HATE, Remember the LOVE

It's so hard to concentrate today. Not because I don't have anything to do, but because my thoughts are consumed by sadness for all those people in Las Vegas and their families that are forever changed. Hate can't win, it can't. I think we just saw the devil on Earth and we can choose to watch him devour our world or we can fight back.

Are we so consumed with our own lives that God is trying to show us we need to come together and stop fighting amongst ourselves? We need to realize we are all one and the more we let hate divide us into these smaller groups the easier it is to defeat us. No matter what you believe, who you follow – hate, the devil, evil whatever you call it – it doesn't discriminate. And as a society we are so much better united and being the helpers than fighting amongst each other.

Of all the tragedies we have lived through – 9/11, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, mass shootings, terrorism – each time you think, why? In the end, what you remember is how everyone banded together to help one another. To pick each other up and help. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we didn't have to go through the unimaginable to see the value in one another? Stop the hate. Remember the LOVE!

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Donna John
Beautiful words to wake up to this morning, Gina Pomering . Well said and much needed right now as we call get through this tragedy. Welcome to the tribe, and I can't wait to see more tips from you.
Elisa Schmitz
Thank you for articulating the words we are all feeling and having a hard time expressing, Gina Pomering . We need your voice to help stop the hate and remember the love. Thrilled to welcome you to our #30Seconds tribe, and can't wait to learn and grow with you!
Nicole DeAvilla
Thanks for this Gina Pomering - we do need more love and connection in this world. Welcome to the #30Seconds tribe.

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