Life's Disappointments: When Life Gives You Lemons, Give Thanks! Relationships

Life has given me my share of lemons lately. Someone really let me down, and then I received some disappointing and disheartening news. I’ve experienced a roller coaster of emotions, and I’ve been tempted to crawl into bed until things magically got better. 

Of course things did not magically get better, but I didn’t stay in bed either. As soon as things started going downhill, people in my life rushed to my aid. My husband, family members, co-workers and friends let me know that they loved and supported me. They called, sent messages, dropped by to check on me. They made things better just by being there, both physically and virtually. 

With their help, I decided to move forward and to focus on being thankful for all the special people in my life. It’s true that you realize who your friends are when things aren’t going well, and I am so grateful for mine.

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Comments (7)

Donna John
So sorry you've had some problems lately, Ann Marie Gardinier Halstead . While I'm happy you have such great friends and family at home, know your cyber family is here for you, too. You've got a tribe! Hugs.
Ann Marie Patitucci
Thanks, Donna. I know and am so grateful!
Elisa Schmitz
Your tribe is always here for you, Ann Marie Gardinier Halstead . Please reach out anytime. Support is what we do best. Sending lots of love and gratitude your way, my friend. I love that you shared this. xoxo
Ann Marie Patitucci
Support is definitely our strength at 30Seconds ! So glad to be a part of it!
Katie Sloan
I haven’t ruled out a protest! ❤️
All the love to you my friend! I am sorry for the dark clouds that have been around lately but you know...I truly believe that things happen for a reason.
Tracey Hempenstall
Take comfort in knowing that friends and family are there to support you through the tough times! Hopefully things are on the up and up. xx
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