DIY Toys for Baby: How to Make a Container Full of Playing & Learning! Baby DIY Playtime

Teacher Karen
6 years ago

My grandbub is too young to assemble a puzzle, and he’s still too young for shape sorters. Those activities will come later. He is ready for something new though: container play! You don't need to invest in “fill-n-spill” toys. Instead, use items from around the house. Babies will want to dump out first, and maybe for a long time, before they pick up on the concept of putting in! Accept the fact you will need to restock the container over and over – and over again!

I temporarily re-purposed a decorative basket into a container for soft blocks. The basket had a large opening so my grandbub could easily see how I put the blocks in – and easily get them out!

The next step is to get a container with a smaller opening, and then ultimately one that would require the blocks to be turned to fit into the opening. Babies will practice doing this, learning through trial and error. These skills are important and are called object manipulation and orientation skills. They form the basis for children's visual motor skills when their visual and motor systems need to communicate well with each other.

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Baskets $6 & Up

Comments (8)

Mike Prochaska
Yes yes yes! We used tuberware a lot for this when I my kids were babies and pots
And pans. Doesn't take a baby long to figure out how to use a pot and pan as drum too
Teacher Karen
Exactly! Babies aren't impressed by the cost of things and REAL items often capture their interest much more!

Aww banging on pots & pans...musicians in the making! 😁
Mike Prochaska
Yes yes yes what do you think Victor Aragon
Victor Aragon
Yes! When my daughter was younger we had a few containers for specific toys: Her cars, her cooking toys and her building blocks. It's a great way for them to learn how to keep all similar items together.
Teacher Karen
Laying the groundwork for sorting & categorizing!
Elisa Schmitz
This is a great idea, Teacher Karen ! I remember all the fun my babies had dumping stuff out, LOL!!
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