Here's Why No One Plays Video Games in My House! Parenting

Michele Gelman
6 years ago

My husband bought our children iPads when they were 7 and 5 years old. I had a bad feeling about it. He said they would use them for math games and movies on trips and it would be fine. My gut told me no, but I didn’t want to argue, and everyone else was getting iPads for their kids. One year later?

  • We were involved in constant battles over screen time.
  • The children became angry and irritable when I took the devices.
  • No one played outside.
  • They had become addicted and our family was miserable!

Digital overload has been shown to impair a child’s social, emotional and intellectual growth – and it can ruin family time. To learn how my family dealt with screen addiction and tips from experts for overcoming it, click here. Be fearless and decisive and do what’s best for your family!

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Comments (2)

Elisa Schmitz
Couldn't agree with you more, Michele Gelman ! It's become a huge problem!
Stephanie Cannoe
I agree. I limit screen time for both my kids and I!
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