'Tis the Season for Stress? No Way! Here Are 7 Ways to Kick Holiday Stress to the Curb! Holidays

Who says stress has to be part of the holidays? Try these tips for a less-stress holiday season! 

  1. Get some air: Even a 10-minute walk can rejuvenate your mood and bring perspective to your day.
  2. Six scents that can improve your mood: lemon, lavender, jasmine, rosemary, cinnamon, peppermint.
  3. Get your ZZZ’s. Spray a bit of lavender on the bed sheets or take a hot bath before bed. 
  4. Find something fun for YOU! Don’t neglect yourself; self-care is king (or queen). 
  5. Don’t run down your immune system trying to please everyone. Ask for help! 
  6. Get out and take in the excitement of the holiday, not just the stress. 
  7. Relax! Cookies and meals don’t need to be Martha Stewart quality!

Enjoy the season for real!

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Comments (1)

Elisa Schmitz
You are so right, Kathy Shimmield! Thanks for the great tips for a less-stressed holiday season!
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