​How to Be a Great Mother: 10 Things Great Moms Do Every Day by Leona Carter

2 years ago

​How to Be a Great Mother: 10 Things Great Moms Do Every Day

How do you know you are a great mother? There are some days we feel we are on top of the world and other days we question our existence as a mother. As I work with many mothers, this is a primary concern. 

Here are 10 intentional actions you can to do be assured you are on the right track. As a mother of six, I want to provide support to women on their motherhood journey because we are on this journey together.

  1. Great moms keep their promise. Follow through with your commitment to your child. This builds trust between you and your child.
  2. Great moms practice empathy. Empathy allows your child to feel understood. We show respect for the feelings.
  3. Great moms accept their kids just as they are. You show unconditional love. Allow your child to grow and think differently than you.
  4. Great moms are attentive. Pay attention to the here and now and enjoy the moment. Notice what is happening around you.
  5. Great moms cultivate self-awareness. Help your child acknowledge their feelings. Understand how your child’s feelings influence their behavior.
  6. Great moms help kids to develop positive habits. Good habits develop from frequency and repetition. Anything we do, feel or think regularly can be a habit.
  7. Great moms don’t indulge behavior they don’t want to be repeated. Don’t say one thing to your child and do another. Be consistent in your example for them to follow.
  8. Great moms catch their kids doing well and acknowledge it. Kids thrive on immediate positive feedback. Be proactive in watching for good behavior and praise them.
  9. Great moms discipline with love. The goal is to teach your child, not punish or shame them. Respond skillfully instead of reacting hastily.
  10. Great moms are consistent with verbal and non-verbal communication. Children are listening to what you say and watching what you do. Pay close attention to what you say and how you say it.

In a world of perfectionism, we as mothers tend to put motherhood in the same category. If you’ve been a mother for more than a couple of years, you learn there is no perfect way to do anything in motherhood; there are only best practices to get the most ideal outcome. If you would like help on your motherhood journey from ABCs to algebra, you can connect with me at HeyCoachCarter.com where you can get this free checklist and other great mom support. Moms, continue to be amazing!

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Elisa Schmitz
"Great moms accept their kids just as they are. You show unconditional love." This is perhaps my favorite of all your points, which are all great. You are so right about this, Leona Carter ! Thank you for sharing this inspiring post. Welcome to 30Seconds. We are excited to learn and grow with you!
Donna John
Absolutely love this! Here's to all the amazing moms out there!
DAC Developments
Great Article Thanks for Sharing

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