The 30Seconds Tribe Vibe: Let's Celebrate the Village Helping Us Raise These Beautiful Kids by Jessica Acree

The 30Seconds Tribe Vibe: Let's Celebrate the Village Helping Us Raise These Beautiful Kids

Many of us have a support network we can rely on in times of need: a significant other to help us balance the load, a parent or friend we can call for advice, a babysitter we trust to give us the break we need. The reality is, there are also many moms (and dads) who don't have a village to rely on. That's where communities like this shine by helping us all feel connected, supported and enlightened as we face the next phase of parenting unknowns.

I propose we focus less on the material gifts and more on the journey, on lifting each other up and on being present. Let's focus on being thankful for the magic we get to witness each day while raising awesome (and sometimes naughty) little people. No matter what you're going through, you're not alone and the 30Seconds tribe is here for you.

Comment below and tell us what lifts you up! How do you find balance? What's the best advice you've received? Maybe a special person or quote brings you perspective. Maybe your self-care routine recharges you on the toughest days. Maybe carrying out a favorite simple act of kindness nourishes your soul.

Let's share, inspire and fuel this tribe to thrive! Please post a photo of yourself and your beautiful family in the comments section below!

Take 30 seconds and join the 30Seconds community. Inspire and be inspired.

Find Your Tribe: 5 Reasons Why Everyone Needs to Rock Their Tribe Vibe!

Finding Your Community: Here's Why It Rocks to Be a Part of the 30Seconds Tribe!

The Power of a Tribe: Why I Love This 30Seconds Community!

The Tribe Effect: What It Means to Be a 30Seconds Contributor!

Jessica Acree
Since I'm asking -- I'll start! Family is everything, but I've finally realized I can't lose myself in the mix, so I've been really focusing on taking time for ME! Part of that means movement (walks, interval jogs), reading (even if just for 10-15 minutes) and self-help podcasts that inspire confidence, mindfulness, creativity, being awesome... <3 It also means being brave in tackling new challenges! #30seconds has been been one of those new ventures for me and it's been unexpectedly wonderful! Such a wealth of knowledge and support here. Looking forward to hearing from you as we celebrate moms and the tribe!
Elisa Schmitz
I love this, Jessica Acree ! Thank you for this thoughtful and inspiring post, and for sharing your beautiful family with us. We’re so thrilled to have you as part of our tribe! Even greater things ahead, always supporting and uplifting each other. You truly rock the tribe vibe! #loveourtribe
Jessica Acree
Thank you Elisa! 30 Seconds revealed itself in my life at the perfect time. Funny how that works. Happy to be part of this community and to learn more from you and so many others along the way!
This is so great
Sandy Greiner, NCPT
I have no family in my state to help with the kids. So when my kids were young, I hired a sitter one afternoon a week. I took care of myself that day—doctor appointments, haircuts and I did a Pilates reformer class. I found Pilates to be an efficient way to stay fit. Surprisingly, it also taught me how much mindful breathing calms the nervous system and clears the mind. I eventually went on to become an instructor and now own a Pilates studio. So making time to do YOU can lead to all kinds of unexpected blessings. 😊
Jessica Acree
I love this so much! You were wise beyond your years in knowing that you needed a YOU day early on and look where it led! So wonderful! :) I am working at being more mindful too and would love to start doing yoga as part of that effort. Thanks for sharing your own dose of inspiration! Your children are lovely!❤️
Elisa Schmitz
Wow, Sandy Greiner, PMA-CPT ! What a great story. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I’m grateful to have worked with you at my first company, iParenting, and now here at 30Seconds. I can’t imagine our tribe without you! Your family is beautiful, thanks for sharing these precious photos!
Elisa Schmitz
My life for the past two decades has been the most amazing blend of family and career. My first pregnancy inspired my mission of creating communities of parents and helping to inform and inspire them. While it has been frenetic and nonstop and sometimes chaotic, I wouldn’t have changed any of it. Yoga, walks and deep breathing help keep me grounded, and it’s so true that you have to schedule it in order to make self-care happen. The reality is, our tribe fuels me. It’s their passion for what we do and the contagious enthusiasm among our tribe members that drives me even further than I could take myself. “Your vibe attracts your tribe” is so true. Let’s keep putting great stuff out there and growing, together. Here are some pictures of my family, my constant inspiration. Thank you, Jessica Acree , for this lovely post. Happy Mother’s Day! 💗
Jessica Acree
You are rockin it & inspiring so many. What a beautiful family! Love that you said “contagious enthusiasm”, it’s so true! Positive energy fuels more from places you never imagined even existed! Tribe vibe feels are off the charts! 🙌🏼 Sky’s the limit! Happy Mother’s Day to you! :)
Teacher Karen
I've been thankful to be able to make many grandnanny shifts out to help my daughter and take care of's tough for young families! CHILDREN help me to recharge--I love everything about them...their energy, questions--their love of life!
Jessica Acree
That's wonderful! You sound like a lovely, vibrant grandma/grandnanny :) My mother in law comes once a week to help us out as well, it's truly our favorite day! Enjoy those kiddos and happy Mother's Day to you!
Teacher Karen
Oh thank you! This will be a repeat of my 1st Mother's Day 34 years ago...grandbub #2 I wish time would slow down! That's fabulous your MIL can help out with the kiddos--I sure it's a win-win-win for all! And Happy Mother's Day to you too!
Dr. Christina Hibbert
I am inspired by mothers! Moms are so amazing, and I feel compelled to help all moms know and feel this! This is my purpose, and when I live from a place of purpose, I am energized, enthusiastic, and bold! I agree, taking care of myself has to be top priority, because when I am thriving, I have so much more to give my family and everyone else. This is my personal mission, and the one I'm seeking to share with moms everywhere through Mastery Of Motherhood! Take the MOM Survey and join me, THis tribe is THE BEST, too. I've been blessed to be part of it since 2012, and I am grateful! xoxo
Jessica Acree
Since 2012, that's awesome! I totally emailed your survey link to myself after your Twitter chat and fully plan to do it... just haven't had time yet! You are so right -- when we feel fulfilled and energized, everything and everyone benefits! That's a great reminder to all of us!
Dr. Christina Hibbert
Self-care isn't selfish. It's actually more selfish NOT to practice self-care, for you have less to give. #truth :)
Jessica Acree
PREACH! You look reaaaaaallly comfy in that lovely seaside sunshine!

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