The Power of a Tribe: Why I Love This 30Seconds Community! by Sheryl Gould

Tribe Talk Opinion
6 years ago

The Power of a Tribe: Why I Love This 30Seconds Community!

I'm a strong believer in the power of community. It's made a profound difference in my life personally and professionally. Historically, my natural inclination has been to go it alone and solider through things. I've learned this isn't satisfying and it's lonely. In my personal life and as a writer and entrepreneur I’ve learned I need others. This is why I love the 30Seconds tribe.

Recently I attended a 30Seconds gathering in the Chicago area. I met amazing women doing amazing things to make a difference in the world around them. We went around the room and shared what we do, but unlike a typical networking event, each woman received an outpouring of support and a wealth of ideas to grow their business. The energy and abundance was palpable.

We so often can compare ourselves or have a scarcity mindset, believing there’s not enough to go around. I was reminded at this gathering of the abundance that's all around us. We're each unique and have something significant to offer. When we support one another, we get back tenfold. 30Seconds is a special tribe and I’m grateful to be a part of it and learn from all of you!

Take 30 seconds and join the 30Seconds community. Inspire ... and be inspired.

#30Seconds Live: Watch Video of Our 30Seconds Tribe Gathering for a Fun and Inspiring Summer Soirée!

#30Seconds Live: Parenting Teens & Tweens & the Importance of Emotional Intelligence With Sheryl Gould & Kelli Schulte!

Finding Your Community: Here's Why It Rocks to Be a Part of the 30Seconds Tribe!

The Tribe Effect: What It Means to Be a 30Seconds Contributor!

Nicole DeAvilla
Love it! We are stronger together!
Ann Marie Patitucci
I just love this, Sheryl Gould ! I feel the very same. So glad you're a part of this tribe!
Kim Kusiciel
I LOVE this!!! You said exactly what I was thinking and feeling, but didn't know how to get it out. Love you and this tip! We are stronger together! Thank you Sheryl Gould!
Sheryl Gould
Aww. So happy Kim Kusiciel to be getting to know you! We are stronger and can do so much more to make a difference when we're together.
Kelli Porcaro
So agree with you Sheryl Gould ! This is a such a supportive and encouraging group!! Tribe power!! xo
Elisa Schmitz
"We're each unique and have something significant to offer. When we support one another, we get back tenfold." You said it, Sheryl Gould ! Many, many thanks for writing what's in your heart, and in mine as well, about the power of our amazing tribe. The support, camaraderie, friendship and positivity makes such a difference in all of our lives, and in that of our community. I'm so grateful to have you as part of this wonderful journey we are on, together, and look forward to many more great things ahead! Big love to you, chica!! xoxo
Sheryl Gould
Elisa All Schmitz 30Seconds thank you! My heart was full and had to get it out and share it! :)
Totally agree - There are many more great things ahead for 30Seconds and the women that are here. Big love to you too!
Kristy Dominiak
Thank you for writing this! I love that you put into words and print our feelings and experiences from the other day. Sheryl Gould Keep up your terrific work. Blessed to have met you! My life is fuller because of you and the #30Seconds #tribe.
Sheryl Gould
Kristy Dominiak right back at you sister. We will be talking. I am so excited for vacation and to be reading your book!
Gail Harris
Honored to be a member. Honored to know you all virtually. You can wave to my husband. He's in Chicago now for his quarterly meeting. Home office is there. Some day I'll join him and can meet in the flesh. Would be so nice 👍
Gail Harris
Thanks. Likewise. Are you in Chitown?
Elisa Schmitz
We would love that, Gail Harris ! ❤️
Sheryl Gould
Gail Harris Yes! You have to come visit us!
Gail Harris
Thank you Sheryl Gould have a nice weekend.

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