Stressed? Overwhelmed? Try a Random Act of Kindness! Mindfulness

Jacqui W
7 years ago

We all have stress in our lives, but doing something for someone else can help alleviate overwhelming feelings.

  • The next time you're in the grocery store line and the person in front of you doesn't have enough money to pay for an item, purchase it for them.
  • When in the drive-thru, tell the cashier that you would like to pay for the food of the person in the car behind you.
  • Donate gently used items, just because.

Not only will you make someone's day, but you may forget what was bothering you earlier. Have a thank you – and a smile.

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Comments (2)

Donna John
Love this, Jacqui Washington! Take the focus off yourself and make someone else happy in the process. Win-win.
Kim Potts Morris
I try everyday to do at least one act of kindness because it makes me feel good about myself.
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