How to Get More Sleep: 5 Foods That May Help Promote Better Sleep Naturally Sleep Family Health

Sleep is one of the most influential factors in one’s overall health and well-being. Sleep has the power to make or break your day in a myriad of ways. A while a good night’s rest sounds blissful, for many, sleep just doesn’t come easily.

Whether you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, there are many strategies one can take to help improve one’s night sleep. Many choose to opt for sleeping aids, melatoninessential oils and more. But did you know that food can actually play a huge role in your night's sleep?

 More than 45 percent of the population say that lack of sleep impacts the quality of their lives at least one to two days a week. The sleep industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, which means that many Americans can’t get enough sleep or can’t achieve good quality sleep overall. What you eat can impact your sleep negatively or positively. Don’t underestimate the power of food when thinking about your sleep quality. Food can help promote sleep and food can disrupt sleep. Some culprits of bad sleep include caffeine, sugar and alcohol.

How Does Sugar, Alcohol & Caffeine Affect Sleep?

Sugar and alcohol impact sleep negatively. Because of the sharp rise and fall of blood sugar after eating sugary foods before bed, sugar will negatively impact your sleep. You will notice that you will not sleep deeply or become "awake" at 2 a.m. (or just too early for your liking) because of the adrenaline rush due to reactive hypoglycemia. Additionally, though alcohol might help you fall asleep, it also disrupts every sleep phase causing you to not sleep deeply.

Caffeine impacts sleep starting in the morning. Caffeine is a stimulant that dampens your adrenals (you know the organ that helps you manage stress). Drinking one cup of caffeine six hours before bed reduces your deep sleep by one hour. Caffeine has a half-life of three to five hours. This means that if you start drinking caffeine in the morning, you will likely still have caffeine in your system as you try to sleep.

Foods for Better Sleep

What are some foods that help promote a good night’s rest? Here are five foods to help promote a better night's sleep naturally:

  1. Collagen Protein: Proteins, such as collagen protein and poultry, have amino acids that break down into tryptophan. Tryptophan eventually creates serotonin and then melatonin which helps you sleep. Protein is taken before bed also helps to stabilize blood sugar keeping you asleep all night.
  2. Chamomile Tea: Chamomile is a calming herb that has been shown to help with insomnia or disturbed sleep. It has been studied and found to be an anxiolytic and an antidepressant.
  3. Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate is rich in magnesium. Magnesium is a natural relaxer. Taking a magnesium supplement before bed or soaking in Epsom salts can help you relax before bed and fall asleep easier. Magnesium has also been shown to help reduce restless leg syndrome, which can impair sleep.
  4. Tart Cherry: Several research articles have been published that link drinking tart cherry juice to improved sleep. Tart cherry has a concentration of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate circadian rhythm and can help to promote healthy sleep.
  5. Oatmeal: Oatmeal is considered an anxiolytic, which can be very calming and help you relax before bed. It can also help you to stabilize blood sugar so you can experience a restful night’s sleep.

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Comments (4)

I didn’t realize this. I’m a tea drinker, so will drink more chamomile. And eat more oatmeal!
Elisa Schmitz
This is an awesome article, Dr. Teralyn Sell . I have my sleep challenges, but have not thought about how food impacts it. Many thanks for the insights. I'm going to work on this!
Sunil Tulsiani
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