How to Take C.A.R.E. of Yourself In the New Year: 4 Healthy Tips From a Registered Dietitian Nutrition Women's Health Men's Health

It's time to take C.A.R.E. of you this new year! According to a survey, 53 percent of Americans found themselves making more unhealthy choices toward the end of the year in an effort to feel better about the holidays being so different from years past. The same survey found that the top new year resolutions were exercising more (26 percent), making healthier food decisions (25 percent) and focusing on self-care (21 percent).

As we continue to find ourselves still spending a majority of time at home, the beginning of this brand-new year will likely feel different, but here are ways to C.A.R.E. for yourself in 2024:

  • Create smaller resolutions that are easier to achieve. Remember, a lifestyle change that leads to sustainable, lasting results takes time, so you need to celebrate the small accomplishments when you can. Remember to celebrate your achievements along the way!
  • Adjust your recipes for healthier meals. This is an easy way to ensure you’re getting the right type of calories into your daily meals. Swap out bread or starchy items for more vegetables and aim to reduce the amount of fat or sugar in your meals. Try having fruit for dessert, switch to low-fat dairy products.
  • Remember your gut. During times when we may be feeling stressed or have anxiety, consider trying to heal from the inside out. Improve your digestive health by eating plenty of fiber from colorful fruits and vegetables and whole grains, as these foods promote the growth of good bacteria in your gut. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Exercise. In addition to making sure you’re eating well, remember that physical activity is one of the best self-care remedies. Exercise helps release endorphins to improve your mood, and also gets the blood flowing which is essential for our bodies to work at their optimal levels.

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Comments (2)

Elisa Schmitz
Thank you for these important reminders, Susan Bowerman . We need to stay healthier than ever this year!
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