Emotional Ups & Downs From Coronavirus Lockdown: 6 Ways to Weather This Storm Known As COVID-19 Mindfulness

Jennifer Coken
3 years ago

How are you weathering this storm called coronavirus? What is your internal barometer saying about your emotional forecast? Are you feeling sunny with rays of hope? Rainy and stuck in the mud? Cloudy with the chance of meatballs? (My new way of saying, “Anything is up for grabs.”)

No one anticipated that a global pandemic would take over the world, so why can’t it rain meatballs, too?

We’ve never seen anything like this. Therefore there is no right way to feel. Each of us is processing and responding to this new invisible, but powerful, regime we find ourselves in.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you weather this storm and try to roll with the emotional ups and downs:

  • We each are carrying some kind of weight in all of this.
  • It looks different for each of us.
  • Build yourself an umbrella by checking in with your feelings. Let them be what they are. Move with their highs and lows like its a dance. 
  • Breathe. 
  • Be patient and kind. 
  • Leave assumptions on the curb and don’t add them to the load you already carry.

How are you handling the pandemic? Tell us below. 

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Comments (4)

Elisa Schmitz
Weathering the storm is a good way to put it, Jennifer Coken . One breath at a time, one moment and one day at a time. Thank you for the inspiration!
Jennifer Coken
You are welcome. Having that kind of appreciation for ourselves AND others is so important.
Each of us is dealing with this in our own ways. Not easy but we can get through it.
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