Fighting the "COVID-15": 3 Tips to Help You Snack the Healthy Way While at Home for Coronavirus Quarantine Nutrition

Most of us are making more trips to the kitchen simply because we’re spending more time at home because of COVID-19. Whether its due to boredom, in need of a distraction or we’re dealing with something a little deeper like anxiety or depression, the temptation to eat has heightened for most of us.

The important thing to remember is that choosing the right foods – even when we’re snacking – will allow us to maintain our health during these uncertain times. If you’re worried about how much you’re eating throughout the day, here are three tips to help you snack smartly:

  • Drink some water first. The truth is that you may actually be mildly dehydrated, and your body is really just craving fluids. Before heading to the cupboard to satisfy a craving, pour yourself a glass of water.
  • Fill up with the good stuff first. Use this opportunity to turn snacking into a healthy practice by preparing snacks that provide a mix of low-fat protein (like beans, dairy or poultry) and healthy carbohydrates (like fruit, veggies and whole grains). The carbs will get digested first and satisfy your hunger right away, and the protein will give your snack a bit more staying power.
  • Fuel your physical and mental energy. It’s actually normal to get hungry about every three to four hours. When you eat regular meals and snacks, it can help keep your blood sugar more stable throughout the day. That’s a good defense against between-meal dips in blood sugar that can sap your mental and physical energy.

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Comments (2)

Elisa Schmitz
Thank you for the helpful tips, Susan Bowerman . Definitely a challenge to stay healthy during these challenging times.
Healthy fuel is key. Good ideas.
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