CFS (Chronic Fatigue Sucks): Here's How I Fought Back! Diseases/Disorders

Imagine wearing a full-length fur coat and falling into a lake. Drag yourself to shore. Go to work or to care for family (or both!) carrying this extra weight while feeling like you have the flu. Oh, and you haven’t slept in three months. This is daily chronic fatigue. It doesn’t have to be this way. This is not as good as it gets for you. Here are some ways I fight back:

  • Ditch prescription meds: Meds cause fatigue or interact with others leaving you catatonic. It took a year, but I am off all meds.
  • Stop fighting the CPAP machine: The CPAP is not sexy, but it really does help.
  • Remove things from your diet: Go as dairy- and gluten-free as possible – it can really help with fatigue and digestive challenges.
  • Reiki: I took Reiki and am amazed at how early I have been waking and how rested I feel.
  • Other things to try: I also use Young Living essential oils, crystals, do restorative yoga and ujjayi pranayama for fatigue.

Find what works for you and kick fatigue’s butt!

The information on is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be considered medical advice. The information provided through this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, and is not a substitute for professional care. Always consult your personal health care provider.

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Vitamin B12 $5 & Up
CPAP Machines $200 & Up

Comments (1)

Elisa Schmitz
OMGoodness, this is so helpful. I appreciate the analogy so we can understand what this condition is like. Thank you for sharing what worked for you, Shannon Richardson . So happy you are doing better. I know this will help others!
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