Health Benefits of Fish: 5 Reasons Every "Body" Loves Fish From Ellie Krieger! Nutrition

You already know fish is healthy – but it may surprise you to learn just how profoundly it can impact your whole body. Ellie Krieger, registered dietitian and host of "Ellie's Real Good Food," shares five head-to-toe reasons you want to put seafood on your plate more often.

  • Your Heart: It’s pretty straightforward: people who eat fish regularly have a significantly lower chance of dying of a heart attack than people who don’t. One of the big reasons for that is the heart-protective omega-3 fats seafood contains, but that is only part of the equation. There are multiple ways eating fish helps keep your ticker healthy. Protein-packed fish has mostly cholesterol-lowering unsaturated fats and it is rich in several essential nutrients that are important for heart health, such as selenium, potassium and vitamin B12. Also, by eating more fish, you are not only reaping its nutritional benefits, you are likely displacing less healthy, saturated-fat laden proteins like fatty meats.
  • Your Bones: Fish is a top dietary source of vitamin D, a key nutrient for bone health that most of us fall short of and few foods contain. (Vitamin D benefits bones by helping the body absorb calcium.) Getting enough protein is also important for strong bones, and since fish is protein-packed too, it does double-duty for bone health.
  • Your Waistline: Fish packs a lot of satisfying protein without a lot of calories, so it an ideal choice for those watching their waistlines. (And let’s face it, who isn’t?) Baked, broiled or grilled seafood entrees tend to be lower in calories than most others on a restaurant menu, making it easy to choose a figure-friendly meal when dining out.
  • Your Taste Buds: Seafood is downright delicious, and since there are so many varieties and it is so versatile, it can be prepared to please just about anyone’s taste buds. Even if you think you’re not a seafood fan, there is a perfect fish for your palate. Mild tasting, firm and flakey-white tilapia is ideal to introduce to kids, and it even appeals to those who don’t typically like fish. Its clean flavor also allows the flavor of accompanying sauces to shine through.

Look specifically for high-quality, all-natural tilapia like Regal Springs Tilapia, which is responsibly raised in freshwater lakes and is free from antibiotics and growth hormones. It also helps to look for credible seafood certifications like Best Aquaculture Practices or Ocean Wise to ensure you’re sourcing sustainable fish from reputable suppliers. Believe it or not, the way the fish are raised can actually impact the taste. For example, Regal Springs Tilapia swim against lake currents, just like in the wild, so they have a naturally clean, sweet flavor and heartier texture.

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Comments (1)

Elisa Schmitz
We try to eat fish a couple times a week. Thanks for the insights!
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