Think Without Judgment: How Observation Leads to Reflection & No Judging! Mindfulness

Think for a moment when you feel distressed, agitated or overwhelmed, what comes first the judgmental thought or the feeling? What might surprise you is that most often, each feeling you experience is preceded by a thought. Most people believe that you feel, then think. Yet usually you think, then you feel. Your thoughts guide your feelings. 

  • You think, “I’m so tired of my job,” then you feel sad. 
  • You think, “My husband never helps out,” then you feel angry. 
  • You think, "My friend is getting married," then you may feel a little jealous.

If your thoughts are causing you to criticize yourself, to feel angry toward someone or interfere with your relationships, it may be time to step back and recognize that your thoughts are reflections, observations and opinions. Observation leads to reflection, then the power to look at things differently.

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Comments (2)

Meredith Schneider
Love this. Thank you Dr. Lynne Kenney for the reminder to take a step back.
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