Got Fibromyalgia or Just Athletic? Here Are 8 Ways to Fight Back Against Muscle Spasms! by Keith Sereduck

Got Fibromyalgia or Just Athletic? Here Are 8 Ways to Fight Back Against Muscle Spasms!

You're in the middle of a strenuous activity, like a heavy truck to unload at work, rearranging a room, participating in a sport. Then, it happens. Your muscles tense up to the point that moving is difficult. The pain, unbearable. For people who live with fibromyalgia, this is the norm, but it can happen to anyone. Sometimes, it's just from getting out of bed in the morning.

Nine times out of 10, what you're experiencing is a muscle spasm. For years I was convinced I had shoulder problems. At times, I felt as though I literally had a knot the size of a baseball in my back. It could last anywhere from a day to a few weeks. After finally getting an X-ray of the correct part of my body, I found out I was having muscle spasms in my neck. By finally finding the cause, I was able to learn the best ways to treat my muscle spasms. Here are some things that helped me:

  • Apply moist heat.
  • Stay hydrated. Dehydration is one of the biggest causes.
  • Eat plenty of foods high in magnesium (almonds, cashews, spinach, dark chocolate, fish) and/or take a supplement.
  • Stretch it out. Start slow. Press the point that feels the tightest and pull slowly in the opposite direction.
  • Don't overexert. Stop, rest and drink.
  • Take a NSAID or ibuprofen.
  • Avoid tension and keep your muscles loose.
  • Lastly, here's the kicker: drink pickle juice. Pickles are extremely high in electrolytes and have no fat or calories. Drinking pickle juice (you can water it down if it makes it easier) is like drinking an energy drink with none of the fat or sugar. It can provide instant relief for cramps and spasms.

Consult your doctor if you're unsure or think you have an injury. You don't have to suffer. It's time to fight back against muscle spasms.

The information on is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be considered medical advice. The information provided through this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease and is not a substitute for professional care. Always consult your personal health care provider.

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Elisa Schmitz
Great tips, Keith Sereduck . Pickle juice?! Hey, Iโ€™ll try it, thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€
Keith Sereduck
It a a hidden treasure. I was once building a stone fence and started having visible, violent spasms in my bicep to the point that it was difficult to use my arm. I started doing pickle shots while I finished and it literally made the spasms disappear. Been a believer ever since.
Elisa Schmitz
Thatโ€™s truly amazing! I get spasms in my back. Iโ€™m going to try this next time. Do pickles work, or just the juice? Keith Sereduck
Keith Sereduck
The pickles themselves, though wonderful, gives you a lower amount so it would be more preventative if eaten regularly than anything else The juice is filled with all the wonderful salty electrolytes that will give you the kick of an energy drink without all the other garbage. (Just watch your blood pressure if you do it a lot and have BP issues ๐Ÿ˜‰

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