20 Top Baby Names for Boys & Girls in 2020 (As Predicted By Nameberry) Baby Names

Instead of hearing moms and dads calling out the names Michael, Olivia, Charlotte or Jasper at the playground, you may hear Adah, Nova, Cash or Ash. At least that's what Nameberry has predicted. The baby-naming website released a list with their top 10 names for boys and girls that they think will be the in monikers for 2020. Their predictions were based on increases in interest from their readers, celebrities and pop culture events. Will you find your baby's name on this list?

Top Baby Names for Girls in 2020

  1. Adah (AH-dah)
  2. Reese
  3. Mika
  4. Paisley
  5. Amina
  6. Teagan
  7. Nova
  8. Aura
  9. Pearl
  10. Billie

Top Baby Names for Boys in 2020

  1. Austin
  2. Alva
  3. Acacius
  4. Tate
  5. Diego
  6. Easton
  7. Lucius
  8. Cash
  9. Ash
  10. Luca

Which names are your favorites?

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Comments (3)

Donna John
Love Teagan, Easton and Cash!
Love unusual names making a comeback.
Elisa Schmitz
Oh, how fun! I love the name Billie for a girl and Luca for a boy! Kaspars Sprogis
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