Lost Pets: Here's a Purr-fect Tip to Keep Track of Family Pets! Pets

My family and I love our pets! Recently, one of our adventurous cats was missing for two days. We were all concerned and worried that he was lost or hurt! We searched for two days, wishing we knew where he had gone. Finally, he showed up at our door hungry, but safe. That’s when we purchased a pet GPS. 

GPS for pets really does exist and they’re amazing! We just snap it on his collar and get periodic emails letting us know if he has ventured outside his preset perimeter. So, the next time he decides to extend his outdoor time, we will be reassured that he is safe by knowing his location. Meow!

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Comments (2)

Elisa Schmitz
Who knew?! Very cool. Thanks for this, Mindy Hudon, M.S., CCC-SLP !
Gail Harris
Mindy Hudon, M.S., CCC-SLP this is good to know. Cool. Thanks.
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