Bullying: Here Are 3 Types of Bullying Parents & Kids Need to Be Aware Of! Parenting

Most kids experience some sort of teasing while at school, but bullying is different. A bully has power over another child and uses fear to gain that control. There are three types of bullying: 

  • Physical bullying includes hitting, punching, biting and other forms of physical abuse. 
  • Verbal bullying is the use words to threaten, scare and demean another child. 
  • Social bullying is when a bully intentionally leaves a child out of an activity or starts rumors about the other child. 

It’s important for a child being bullied to know it’s not their fault. This can empower him or her.

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Comments (2)

Dawn Taylor
Sometimes just standing up and saying enough helps. When that fails, time for a visit to principal or school dean- it is their job to help so do not take no for an answer if they brush it off.
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