Gratitude in a Time of Uncertainty: Ways to Say Thank You & Start Your Own Chain of Gratitude Make a Difference

Using these two powerful words, thank you, may change someone's life. A while back an anonymous letter came through the mail. It said, "Thank you, I have blessed you a million times. Just wish I could do more." Enclosed was a 10 dollar bill. What a surprise! I had no idea who sent it or why. Since then, I have tried to pass on some of my own feelings of gratitude. 

  • Make a list of everyone who needs nurturing. Your list might include store clerks, medical personnel, police and fire safety individuals, even butchers, bakers and candlestick makers.
  • Share the wealth. When you are in a supermarket, buy extra. Many stores offer "buy one get one free." Pass these savings on to family and friends or give one to the food pantry. Give away excess vegetables, flowers and fruit from your own garden.
  • Be specific. Be sure the person knows why they are being thanked. "Thank you for driving me to the garage, so I could pick up my car." "Thank you for all your encouraging cards and letters. They got me through a very difficult time."
  • Extend a verbal pat on the back. Take time to look around and send out some thoughts of appreciation. Has anyone watered your plants or taken care of your pets while you were away? Has someone given you free tickets to a concert or sporting event? People who deserve a standing ovation rarely get one. These unassuming individuals help out at rehab centers or simply make sure their kids get to a school function. 

Take time to personally thank:

  • your mechanic
  • an overworked and underpaid cashier
  • health-care workers
  • hairdressers and barbers (anyone who makes you feel special)
  • one-of-a-kind coworkers
  • a loyal and understanding friend

If you want to go a step further, send a thank-you notesend flowerssend a gift basket. When we say thank you it is a win-win situation. Good deeds multiply and gain momentum. 

I'll always be grateful to that mysterious person who wrote that thoughtful thank-you note with a $10 dollar bonus. It changed my attitude toward gratitude. It showed me that one compliment can generate many more. I hope some of these wonderful ways to say thank you will help you create your very own reaction of thankfulness.

Note About Photos: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the CDC says to "put distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community." Avoid shaking hands, hugging and stay at least 6 feet away from people during social distancing.  

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Thank You Notes $5 & Up
Gift Cards $5 & Up
Gift Baskets $10 & Up

Comments (4)

Elisa Schmitz
You are so right, Marge Jesberger ! A simple thank you goes such a long way. And now more than ever, we need to recognize people who do simple kindnesses and let them know they are appreciated. Thank you for this great reminder!
Tiffany Zook
I sent the $10. Kidding.

we found $20 cleaning up trash in a vacant field, so we took the neighbor girls to Sonic. Cool vibes!
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