A Weepy Holiday Season: Missing & Remembering My Mom a Year Later Holidays

We experienced a touching Christmas miracle the other night when a group of carolers rang our bell and sang two beautiful songs before moving on to the next house on the block. At first, I was totally surprised. Carolers? They still do that?!

And then came the waterworks. Tears, and lots of them, pouring down my cheeks as they sang. I fled into the house and sobbed, feeling dumb that I was missing it and thinking how much my mom loved Christmas. She would have gone nuts for those carolers. I think because she died so close to Christmas last year I was simply too busy to grieve.

This year has been different, and I find myself choking up at pretty much everything from the holiday songs on the radio the front-yard inflatable holiday decor. OK, maybe not that, those are just fun. But it's been harder than I thought it would be.

Credit goes to my dad who is treating us to an epic vacation starting on Friday. Maybe he knew this year would be tough, or more likely he feels even more strongly that every day is a gift and he'd rather spend his money while he's alive.

Either way, it will be special and we will toast to my mother. My mom who totally loved Christmas.

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Comments (4)

Donna John
Ah, Belinda, I'm so sorry. Hugs to you and your family. Enjoy your family vacation.
Elisa Schmitz
I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful mother, Belinda Lichty Clarke . My heart is with you. Thank you for sharing this powerful reflection with us. I hope you enjoy your trip and find some joy through your pain. Sending love! ❤️
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