How Taking Off My Yoga Pants Pulled Me Out of My Mommy Funk Motherhood

Melissa Hurt
2 years ago

Like many moms, I lived in my yoga pants whether I was on the mat or off. My typical schedule for the first two years of my daughter's life was being up and out of bed around 7 a.m. and in bed by 10 p.m., but taking care of and nursing my child every hour whether waking or "sleeping." I was exhausted. I lived for comfort, so I wore the same yoga pants daily. I became sullen.

I saw a counselor for help and remember telling her about my "funk" (depression is too strong of a word – it was a funk). She shouted, "Of course you're depressed! Look at how you're dressed!"

Ouch. It stung.

She explained that to feel well you have to present yourself well. In short, I had to take off the yoga pants and put on some jeans, knit pants or a skirt. I tried it and could not believe how much it lifted my spirits.

Ladies, give it a go. When reaching for your comfy pants, go beyond them for something else. When you put on a decent-looking pair of pants, you go for the blouse that matches. Then perhaps earrings. Maybe lip gloss. You may just feel like your pre-baby self and find a lift in energy.

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Comments (10)

Donna John
Yes! Can I relate. And it doesn't even have to be "mommy" related. Sometimes I get it that funk and my kids are all grown (last one is ALMOST grown). :-) It does make all the difference in the world to take off those "stretchy pants." Such a great tip, Melissa Hurt !
Mike Prochaska
Fyi that was a joke
Kristan Wager
It is so easy to fall into the comfort habit! You are so right-get out of the yoga pants and get back into the groove. Little steps help!
Melissa Hurt
I was totally surprised at how it helped me. Even when I just want to run to the grocery store, I still work to put on something a bit nicer than active wear! After all, you never know who you might run into as well!
Elisa Schmitz
Say it isn't so, Melissa Hurt ! LOL! Love my yoga pants (especially the new ones with the cool pockets for my phone, etc.), but I do know what you're saying and agree. Thanks for the great tip!
Melissa Hurt
those designers know what they are doing with all these pockets! But, why do we need pockets for a yoga practice? They aren't thinking about yoga practice, but daily life in those comfy pants! I found a comfy pair of stretchy skinny jeans that look great and feel nice-- and look a heck of a lot nicer than the yoga pants!
Elisa Schmitz
Well, I found myself in yoga class today for the first time in a while, Melissa Hurt , and it was AWESOME. However, I also found my phone in my yoga pants "pocket." Yep, those designers know what they're doing, LOL! (I removed it before class, don't worry!) #namaste
AJ Rogers
This is spot on - When you make time to put yourself together, you feel better, look better and do better!
Melissa Hurt
totally true! Amazing what even changing out of grubby sneakers can do! One thing starts a lovey chain reaction for self-care.
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