You Only Get 936 Weeks: Here's Why All Parenting Moments Matter! Parenting

Kristan Wager
6 years ago

Pouring out of the house. Late again. "I call shotgun!" "No, I'm the oldest! "Wahhhhh..." Really? For a trip to Target we need to fight this battle again? Frustration and irritation mounting, I pull open my door ready to blast the smirking teen, glowering preteen and whining child. Suddenly, "936" pops into my head and I stand there and say nothing.

936: the number of weeks we parents get from birth to graduation. That's it. Only 936 weeks before we launch them into the world. At a recent conference, the speaker spoke on the urgency to be intentional and present every day; because we will blink and suddenly the count will be 715 weeks, 345, 120, 15, 2, 1 – "Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!" and off they go to college or life.

Intentionality is not a choice; it is a necessity. What we do with, and for, our kids matters. Saying "yes" matters. Play matters. Love matters. Because when you only have 936 weeks, every moment counts in parenting.

"Hey guys," I say, sliding into my seat and exhaling. "Think we can make a plan instead of war next time?" Time's too short for war.

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Comments (4)

Elisa Schmitz
I just love this, Kristan Wager . You really boiled it down to what matters. Savor every moment, every challenging and wonderful moment, with these pieces of our heart. Thank you for sharing this! xoxo
Mike Prochaska
So true it flying .
Julio Caro
Thanks For Sharing.....
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