Play Lifestyles: A Teacher Explains Why You Should Play Your Way Through Life Fun With Dad

Teacher Karen
2 years ago

When people want to change, they sometimes start with resolutions. The top five resolutions usually involve the following:

With less than 10 percent of resolutions succeeding, let me suggest a resolution that'll make you healthier, smarter and happier! Are you curious? The answer is a play philosophy of living! By adopting a play lifestyle, you'll see positive changes because play impacts all aspects of a person's life – physical, social, emotional and cognitive.

  • Physical: A key characteristic of play is it's done for pure enjoyment. Find some way you like to move your body – have fun and you'll keep doing it!
  • Social: Parenting can seem isolating. If you don't belong to a mom's or dad's group, start one! Join local meet-ups or community activities to make new friends; create a book club or bridge group.
  • Emotional: Play offers a natural way to lower stress to relax and manage strong feelings.
  • Cognitive: Play stimulates the mind and boosts creativity. It also sparks the imagination, which aids problem-solving skills.

Add play to your New Year resolutions – it'll be one you keep!

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Comments (12)

Mike Prochaska
Love this! Keep up the good work #playmatters
Elisa Schmitz
You are so right, Teacher Karen , thank you!
Keri De Deo
I used to call exercise play. I don't know why I ever stopped. It's a great reminder for me to get back on track. Thank you!
Teacher Karen
Whenever you think of what you're doing as PLAY it makes it so much easier to continue doesn't it?! (I'm really working HARD at applying that to cooking!!)
Mike Prochaska
I hate cooking too
Teacher Karen
Full day of playing with grandbub #2 and great grandma...those 2 are sleeping I'm getting some work was your day?
Julio Caro
Thanks For Sharing....
Kaushik Palicha
Thanks for Sharing
Kaushik Palicha
Thanks for Sharing
Barry Humfrey Geraldton
Thank you so much for Sharing
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