Overwhelmed, Mom & Dad? Take 1200 Seconds & Try This Simple Idea (You'll Be Amazed What You Get Done!) Motherhood

Jen Imbaro
6 years ago

When life gets busy, the laundry overflows the basket and you can't walk through your living room without dodging a LEGO mine field, figuring out where to begin can be overwhelming. I like to set a timer for 20 minutes and just start picking things up. I see how far I can get in those 1200 seconds, and I give myself permission to stop when the timer rings. 

It's amazing how much you can accomplish if you move quickly. Chances are, if you don't finish, you'll have gained enough momentum that you're willing to put in a few extra minutes it takes to finish the task. You can accomplish even more if you engage the whole family in your 20-minute cleanup. Make it into a game and race against the clock. Then reward yourselves with a movie or a game. Here are some other items on my to-do list I regularly break into even smaller chunks:

  • In the two and a half minutes (150 seconds) my oatmeal is in the microwave, I can get my dishwasher unloaded.
  • In five minutes (300 seconds) I can do a quick workout that gets my heart pumping and makes my thighs burn.
  • In a three-minute (180 seconds) commercial break, I can swap a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer.

It only takes a second to feel a sense of accomplishment!

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Timers $4 & Up

Comments (3)

Elisa Schmitz
Very smart, Jen Imbaro . I like the way you think in terms of seconds(though 30 is my fave)! 😀
Vicki Putnam Pompa
We used to use 10 minute or 20 minute pickups. Way to go!
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