Take 2 Minutes to Do This Easy Safety Precaution That Could Save a Life Headlines

On October 1, 2017, more than 500 people ended up in the hospital in Las Vegas, many in critical condition, who never in their wildest imaginations thought they would be going there. Many are away from home on vacation; others separated from their spouses, children, friends and family who may very well be in another hospital. The thing they have in common is that the doctors and nurses caring for them don't know them personally. They don't know what prescriptions they are taking, what they might be allergic to or what hidden medical conditions might be lurking.

No one could have predicted or probably prevented the horror that happened in Las Vegas. But what you can prevent is lack of information. If you don't have an ICE contact on your own phone, your spouse’s and kids' phones, please stop what you're doing right now and use the links here to put ICE contacts on your iPhones and Samsung Galaxy phones. It only takes two minutes and it just might save the life of someone you love.

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Comments (5)

Donna John
Yes! Thank you for sharing this important safety reminder, Laura Greenwald . I don't have an ICE in my phone, but will before I go to bed tonight. Still cannot believe what happened in Vegas last night. No words.
Laura Greenwald
I can't either. We were looking at it on the news this morning in complete unbelief. So glad to hear you're going to put an ICE Contact in your phone. If you need help with the rest of the family's phones, give me a call!
Elisa Schmitz
This is such a great reminder, Laura Greenwald ! Thank you for giving us something concrete we can do to make a difference during these troubled times!
Ann Marie Patitucci
This is such an important piece of advice. Thanks, @lorjan. It does indeed help to do what we can to be as prepared as possible should the unspeakable happen. How sad to have to think of such things, but it's wise to do so.
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