Postpartum Depression: 6 Ways to Help a Friend Who Is Suffering From PPD Motherhood

Sometimes it's difficult to know what to do when you see a friend suffering from postpartum depression (PPD). Should you give her space? Should you go to her house every day to check on her? Here are six ways you can support a friend who has postpartum depression:

  • Say, "I am here." A hot cup of coffee and the company of a friend goes a long way.
  • Take her for a walk. Easy exercise outside in the sun is a great way to help elevate one's mood.
  • Stop by. Drop off a meal or help to clean the house when she's at a doctor's appointment.
  • Encourage her to sign up for a local moms group or baby and me yoga class.
  • Offer to babysit so she can have some "me" time.
  • Contact local health and therapy centers in her neighborhood if you feel that her depression needs professional assistance.
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Comments (1)

Elisa Schmitz
Wonderful tips, Jennison Grigsby ! So many moms struggle with this. It truly takes a tribe!!
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