2016 Post-Election Anxieties: 5 Ways We Can Comfort Our Children! Opinion

Just like many adults are experiencing a range of emotions –from disappointment to anger to sadness to fear – following the result of the presidential election, so are many children. How can we comfort them? Before we attempt to impart any words of wisdom, it is important that we allow them to express their feelings and ask questions. Once we listen and answer their questions as honestly as we can, then we can begin to:

  • discuss our own feelings (as appropriate)
  • focus on the positives, like everything we're grateful for, and remind them that it's possible for people who disagree to work together and live side by side in harmony
  • promise them that we'll continue to uphold our values and beliefs
  • assure them that we love them and are here for them
  • model resilience
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Comments (1)

Elisa Schmitz
Thank you for the wonderful suggestions, Ann Marie Gardinier Halstead! xoxo
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