Got a Stressed Teen? 8 Questions to Ask That Can Help! Teens Parenting

Kelli Porcaro
7 years ago

Stress is an emotional reaction to protect us from danger. Our emotions signal us to pay attention, and work as data points to provide meaning and depth. Use these questions to help your teen understand the root cause of their stress.

  1. What happened? And what happened before and after that?
  2. What were your thoughts and feelings going into the situation?
  3. What mix of feelings do you have now? Which are louder or brighter?
  4. What triggered these feelings?
  5. What else is triggering this feeling beyond the current situation?
  6. How are your feelings shaping your thinking?
  7. What are your feelings telling you? What is important?
  8. What does this feeling motivate you to start doing? To stop doing?

This can help you, too, Mom and Dad!

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Comments (2)

Elisa Schmitz
Excellent tips to help teens and parents alike deal with stressful situations! Thank you, Kelli Schulte!
Kelli Porcaro
So often stress impacts what we are telling ourselves. We need to really be aware of that, and ask...Is this true, or is it part of the story I am creating?!
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