Banana & Nutella Snack: A Healthy Option That May Lower Blood Pressure & More! Nutrition

Elisa Schmitz
7 years ago

Looking for a satisfying and somewhat healthy snack for you and your kids? Try a ripe banana topped with Nutella. While we usually add peanut butter to our bananas, we recently tried spreading Nutella on one, and WOW! It was a filling snack that satisfied the kids' hunger, as well as my chocolate craving. 

  • Bananas are high in vitamin B6 and potassium, which can help lower blood pressure and improve bone health. 
  • Nutella is made from chocolate and hazelnuts, and includes calcium and iron. 

Eaten together, bananas and Nutella are a potently delicious combination. Want an even heartier snack? Spread the Nutella on a slice of whole-wheat bread and top with sliced bananas. Great for breakfast, too!  

See more tips on – Inspire and be inspired!
Nutella $3 - $92
Banana Holders $7 - $20

Comments (1)

Elisa Schmitz
This is seriously delish!
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