My Fitness Journey: How I Got Fit, Lost Weight & Overcame Being Uncomfortable in My Own Body Fitness Weight Loss

If you would have told me five months ago that my legs, heart, lungs and body were even capable of carrying me a mile let alone 2 miles without stopping, I would have laughed in your face. In high school I played sports all year round, but I never quite felt all that fit. I continued to gain weight and always struggled with muscle fatigue or ran out of breath.

When I went to college, I became so focused on school and my social life that my fitness all but disappeared. I struggled going up stairs and made excuses not to go places where I would have to do any form of exercise. After college I made excuses about work being stressful and continuously put on weight, didn’t exercise and ate more in what seemed like a never-ending cycle of being uncomfortable in my own body.

At my absolute worst this June, I thought to myself, let’s give it one last go, one last full-ditch effort to change my life – so I did. It started with eating right – and I mean really eating right – with absolutely no sugar. Much to my dismay, there were no shortcuts or get-thin-quick diets; it took hard work and a lot of it. I’d be lying if I said the thought of murdering someone for zero-calorie cake didn’t cross my mind. 

With diet and moderate movement, I managed to lose 33 pounds in three months and keep it off. Now I go to the gym three days a week and I am proud to say that as of last week, I ran my first mile without stopping since I was 16. Today, I made it 2 miles. My secret to success, you ask? This time I did it for me

I hope you all find the strength to accomplish your goals this year, too. Finish strong! 

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Comments (4)

Elisa Schmitz
That is absolutely awesome, Cassandra Lee Jones ! I'm so excited for you. Way to put your mind to it and make it happen! Great advice on how you did it, thanks for sharing. Keep it up!
Great job 💪
Meredith Schneider
Woohoo! Congratulations Cassandra Lee Jones! So can relate with making that decision to do it for YOU! That decision for me led to losing 50 lbs and over 40 inches 7 yrs ago and keeping it off ending up in better shape now in my 40's than I was in my 20's. If I didn't lose that weight and felt better about myself inside and out, I don't know how I would be able to take care of our 4 kids, hubby and house. Life would be much harder feeling like crap all the time. Thanks for sharing your story. Keep it up! GO GO GO! xoxoox
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