Jeff Galloway Method: Here's the Secret to Distance Races & Why You Can Do It Regardless of Skill Level Fitness

Jessica Acree
5 years ago

I am the farthest thing from an athlete, but I've successfully crossed the finish line of a half marathon and there is only one reason it was even a remote possibility: the Jeff Galloway Method.

The secret is run/walk intervals. Run for a bit, take a break, repeat. Walking does not mean you've failed; it gives your body the recharge it needs to keep going. A mile is a mile no matter your pace or process.

As it states on Galloway's website, "Galloway (an American Olympian) designed this method in 1973 to help beginners start running. Strategic walk breaks allow each runner to control fatigue, virtually eliminating significant running injuries."

The Crim Festival of Races in Flint, Mich., is famous for supporting the Galloway Method to train participants leading up to the premiere summer event. The formula is simple: 

Intervals + Accountability + Encouragement = Success! 

Barring any physical limitations, all you have to do is believe you can do it, set your timer and go! Use a watch or download a free interval app to stay consistent. Make sure you stay hydrated and go at your own pace. I like simple 1/1's  run one minute, walk one minute. Each step adds up and faster than you think.

Go ahead, give it try!

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Comments (11)

Great idea to get going on fitness
Jessica Acree
Thank you! I'm a slow-poke, but we are up to over 8 miles now and that sure feels good! Never say never....
Tom Arnel
The current trend with the Galloway Method that Jeff encourages is shorter intervals with no more than a 30 second walk break. E.g. 30 second run and 30 second walk.
Elisa Schmitz
This is so interesting! I love the fact that anyone can try to do this. Thank you for sharing, Jessica Acree . And how appropriate that the recommended intervals are 30 seconds, Tom Arnel - my favorite number, LOL!
Tom Arnel
Let me know if the shorter intervals work for you... It takes a little time getting used to, but I find that it ends of feeling more natural with less thought than the 1 minute walk breaks.
Tim G.
I love the Galloway method! Been using it for years. I do 30 sec. walk breaks with mostly 1 to 2 min. of run. It makes running much more enjoyable.
Jessica Acree
I love that you use this too!
Jenna Walczak
Maybe 2019 I will finally conquer the Crim!
Jessica Acree
YES! You've been killing it on the workouts. I need to join you. We'll see if I get back out there for the 10-mile again... ;-) Now that I have my medal... who knows! #pointofpride
Jenna Walczak
Have you done a running group? I was thinking of joining one for training and accountability
Jessica Acree
Jenna Walczak I did the Tuesday AM Crim running group this year -- it's the ONLY reason I stuck with it FOR SURE!
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