My Love-Hate Relationship With Autoimmune Disease: Reflecting on the Reflection Staring Back at Me Diseases/Disorders Mindfulness

Sarah Darrow
6 years ago

Being a mom of two little ones with developmental disabilities can be rough at times. There was a point that I looked in the mirror and didn't even recognize the woman staring back at me. I felt empty and just dead inside. I wasn't taking time for self-care because it felt like everyone needed every part of me every second of every day!

Then autoimmune disease hit my life like a ton of bricks. I had to stop and slow down. It's really weird to say this, but in a way, autoimmune and I have a love-hate relationship. I love that I take better care of myself. I hate that I wasn't given a choice in the matter.

So, every time I put my war paint on (makeup), I paint my eyebrows on because autoimmune stole them from me like a dirty thief. I add color back to my pale complexion. I find joy in knowing that the reflection now staring back at me is that of a warrior! One who may have scars and sparse eyebrows, but that warrior is a survivor and will continue to cry that battle cry until there is no longer breath left in these lungs.

Slow down; don't be too hard on yourself. Enjoy the little things in life. 

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Comments (3)

Elisa Schmitz
"I find joy in knowing that the reflection now staring back at me is that of a warrior! One who may have scars and sparse eyebrows, but that warrior is a survivor and will continue to cry that battle cry until there is no longer breath left in these lungs." I have goosebumps, Sarah Darrow . This is so powerful. You are amazing! Thank you for sharing this!!
Kristan Wager
Your fight inspires so many others to keep on and not give up! @sarahdarrow
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