Why You Should Think Twice Before Gifting Someone Alcohol This Holiday Season Mindfulness

The cabernet stared at me from where I left it on the counter. When I left the room, went upstairs or even pushed my son on his backyard swing, I could feel it watching. She couldn't have known, my sweet neighbor, that instead of a thoughtful holiday present, she really gifted me a bomb. 

At night when my son was snug in his crib and my husband not quite home from work, I shut myself in the bedroom to put more distance between that red bottle and my fingertips. Finally, the arrival of recycling day brought needed relief as I dumped it straight into the bin and saw it get carted away. Fire extinguished, I continue to count up sober days. 

This year, when you choose gifts for those you appreciate, remember that avoiding vices is a great service for anyone on your list. Gift cards may seem impersonal or “too safe,” but sometimes safe is a wonderful thing.

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Comments (7)

Ann Marie Patitucci
Thank you for sharing this with us, Janine Hamilton . I think this is a very important lesson, or reminder, for us. People have good intentions but may not know the harm they could be doing. Welcome to the tribe. We're so lucky to have you!
Thank you for sharing! I really hope people will think twice (and then more) before giving alcohol as a gift. One truly never knows what battles some are fighting (personally and within their family).
Kimberly Johnson
Wonderfully written, Janine Hamilton . ❤️
Meredith Schneider
Welcome to the #30Seconds tribe Janine Hamilton ! Thanks for sharing great reminder for everyone when we feel stuck on what to get someone. I love gift cards, plus you can dress them up and add little gifts to them like candles or frames.
Elisa Schmitz
What an incredibly powerful post! Great reminder, Janine Hamilton . Thank you for sharing your personal story that so many others can relate to. Welcome to our #30Seconds tribe. I look forward to learning and growing with you!
Janine Hamilton just wanted to let you know that I think this is one of the most important tips on 30Seconds.
Elisa Schmitz
I agree, Renee Herren . So many people just wouldn’t think about this. Many thanks for the important share, Janine Hamilton !
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