Antidepressants May Increase Risk of Death: What You May Not Know About Serotonin & Antidepressants Mental Health

Take antidepressants or considering it? A study conducted by the McMaster University in Canada found that taking antidepressants may increase the risk of death by 33 percent. On top of that, people taking these medications may have a 14 percent higher risk of cardiovascular problems, including heart attack and stroke. Why?

“It’s widely known that brain serotonin affects mood, and that most commonly used antidepressant treatment for depression blocks the absorption of serotonin by neurons. It is less widely known, though, that all the major organs of the body – the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver – use serotonin from the bloodstream,” according to notes from the study. “Antidepressants block the absorption of serotonin in these organs as well, and the researchers warn that antidepressants could increase the risk of death by preventing multiple organs from functioning properly.”

Given the side effects of certain drugs for depression, it might be important to discuss these side effects with your doctor and also focus on what you can do to avoid depression. And being nutritionally balanced is one way to be proactive about depression. We can determine whether we are nutritionally balanced by taking a nutrient test.

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Comments (1)

Elisa Schmitz
OMG, such important info. Thank you for sharing, Joy Stephenson-Laws JD !
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