"Life Is Not a Problem to Be Solved, But a Mystery to Be Lived": Can You Dig It? Mindfulness

Gail Harris
3 years ago

"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived."

This quote from poet Nietzsche is quite profound, if you think about it. While written years ago, it’s timeless. To me, it says that when we make achievement and success the be-all-and-end-all of life, we miss the joy that comes from knowing that life is truly a mystery. 

Haven’t you noticed that the most meaningful times occur not when your goal is achieved, but when something unexpected happens? We spot our soul mate across the room. We find a personal message hidden in a billboard. We land the perfect career by accident. There’s a lot more going on than meets the eye. Ignore it. Or embrace the mystery, and have a heck of a lot more fun. Here’s how to begin:

  • Admit that you don’t know – daily.
  • Choose to seek the truth.
  • Trust your heart.

OK, ladies and gentlemen. It’s up to you.

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Comments (3)

Gail Harris I created this account just to tell you that you are stupid.

The idea behind Nietzsche's quote is that you can never know the full truth. You will never learn WHY we exist. So if you are focused on that, you should stop, because you will never reach your goal. FULL truth if something we as humans will never know.

Yet you advise people to "Choose to seek the truth." which literally goes against Nietzsche's point. On top of that, your other two points are not related to Nietzsche's quote whatsoever.

To sum this up - you are not smart enough to try to comprehend the arguments made by philosophers, so you should just instead keep it quiet. You are the one who cannot "dig it", just too dumb to do so.
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