Reflections on Being a Dad: No, I Don’t Babysit My Kids by Gregg Halstead

Fatherhood Father's Day
2 years ago

Reflections on Being a Dad: No, I Don’t Babysit My Kids

Have you ever noticed that when it comes to parenting people talk about moms and dads in very different ways? I stayed at home with our oldest for a while, and some guy friends would look at me differently and some women would say, “Aww, that’s sweet.” It didn’t bother me, but I never saw anyone react to stay-at-home moms that way.

I’ve also been praised for being “such an involved dad” and “so good with my boys,” though no one would ever tell my wife she’s good with our kids. She’s just expected to be. When she travels for work, people are quick to ask if I need help, which is very nice, but she doesn’t get the same offers of help when I’m away.

Another example: I recently had to leave work early to pick up my son from school because he was sick. My co-worker asked me, “Can’t your wife pick him up?” It’s 2022. There are plenty of us dads who are partners in parenting, so I think it’s about time that we are treated as equals. And by the way, I don’t babysit my kids. I parent them.

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This! I can’t love this enough! Thank you for sharing Gregg! I hope to see more tips from you!
Ann Marie Patitucci
So true! Congrats on your first 30Seconds publication, Gregg Halstead !
Tiffany Zook
Great topic Gregg. I recently went to Uganda and several friends started a meal train for Daryl . They thought he might be at chic-fil-a every night . He’s actually a better chef than I am. A sweet gesture none the less. Partners in parenting!
Elisa Schmitz
This is fantastic! I love it. So much truth here! I heard variations of this so much as I raised my kids and it drove me nuts. Welcome to 30Seconds, Gregg Halstead ! Can’t wait to see what else you’ll share with us!
Mike Prochaska
Love this tip. Being a stay at home dad who
Went to work this year I was shocked at how many people said those words to
Me about sick kid when the school called. Can’t mom get them I was told every time and I would have to remind them that I was working as a temp so I could be home when mom can’t as she has to run a whole program
Dieter Schmitz
Great article and great pics Gregg Halstead Your words are spot-on! Dads don't babysit. They father!
Love it. Great job Gregg.
Keith Sereduck
I hate this stereotype. Unless I'm watching someone else's kids, I'm not babysitting. If there are any dad's out there who would accept being called a babysitter they probably shouldn't be a dad. Great piece. I live this.
Meredith Schneider
Wow! Love this! Why would anyone think a Dad would be baby sitting their own kids?! Moms and Dads do parent differently, but neither should be judged. That’s what makes our kids well rounded being parented from both. ☺️
Spell-It-Out Photos
Unfortunately we, as women, often perpetuate this stereotype.
Abraham Alarcon
Gregg, thank you for sharing these great photos of you and your children. being a dad is one of the best and most difficult things to do. Breaking these stereotypes and myths about dads is important. You touch upon a double standard on how people view women and what they expect them to do. What I gathered is that men have a role as well as women in parenting. They are not babysitters. Great tip!
Leslie W
Right!? My husbands keeps our kids a lot, and people act like it's some huge favor or refer to it as "babysitting". I'm like "No he's watching his OWN kids". But I will admit (and so does he) that he doesn't do it like I do. I come home to disasters every time I go somewhere, which I have to clean. They have a lot of fun, though!
Bill James
Some great points made here, Gregg
So true, great post
Michael Kennedy
Amen Gregg. Agree 100% with everything ...except maybe the Dolphins hat ...LOL. This is fantastic!
Bereth Santella
Muy buenas Publicación, resulta de gran ayuda

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