Are You Ready to Have Kids? Here Are 3 Ways to Prepare & Grow As a Person Before Trying to Conceive Getting Pregnant Family Planning

Roma Khetarpal
5 years ago

These days the average age of a first-time parent has jumped significantly. This is the oldest generation of parents to have ever existed. We can assume that this group is more mature and therefore more prepared for parenting, with a clearer understanding of what it takes, right? Why, then, is the most frequently discussed questions at parent forums, blogs and in social media, "Are we ready for kids?" Always keep in the back of your mind that on this parenting ride you will be growing up along with your children. How can you grow before starting a family?

  • Start by being emotionally intelligent and mindful. Address feelings as they come up so that they don’t blow up in your face.
  • Know you have an infinite ability to respond and not react. Work on strengthening your emotional core, so you can bounce back quickly if needed.
  • Know your breath and its rhythm. Learning how to manage your breath will assist you in learning how to manage yourself and your kids.

Growth is the only unavoidable and inevitable life event. So if you’re going to prepare for anything, prepare for parenthood.

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Comments (1)

Elisa Schmitz
Love this. I especially relate to knowing your breath and its rhythm. This helps me with everyday life. Thank you, Roma Khetarpal ! Tools Of Growth
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