Improve the Lives of Animals: 4 Powerful Ways You Can Help Animals in Your Community Make a Difference Pets

Roxann Romano
2 years ago

It doesn’t take much to make a difference in this world. The truth is that it takes even less effort to improve the lives of the animals around us. All one needs is a bit of compassion and some time on their hands.

Helping animals is a great way to give back to the community, as you are helping to protect those most vulnerable. But did you know that there are hundreds of different ways for you to help animals in your community?

1. Donate to Shelters

Animal shelters are nearly always in need of additional funds and items. Donating some extra income or necessary items can make a significant difference.

If you aren’t sure what to donate, reach out to your local animal shelter and see if they have a wishlist of the items they most need. These days most shelters will have an Amazon wishlist readily available to share with the public. Most commonly, shelters can use paper towels, cat litter and other essential pet supplies.

2. Volunteer

If donating money or items isn’t in the cards, consider donating your time. Volunteering at an animal shelter can help them keep their doors open – while giving you a chance to bond with various critters in their care. It’s a win for everyone!

Hop onto your local shelter’s website to see the available volunteer positions. The most common opportunities are likely to be walking dogs or cleaning kennels and cat rooms, but there’s always the potential to find a desk opportunity.

3. Foster

If you’ve been following the news, you might already know that most animal shelters are near or at maximum capacity. You can help make more shelter space by fostering animals in your home. If you have a spare bedroom or are willing to bring a dog into your life (for the short term), this is the ideal way to make a difference. Remember, every available spot in a shelter helps to save lives.

4. Cleanup!

Taking the time to clean up litter near local parks and woods helps keep these areas beautiful. It also makes them safer for wildlife, who may mistakenly try to ingest any debris lying around.

Consider joining a community cleanup, as this is a beautiful way to help protect local wildlife. Parks, forests and beaches are especially in need of some extra care right now.

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Dog Toys $5 & Up
Cat Toys $5 & Up
Pet Supplies $5 & Up
Cat Litter $6 & Up

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I just love animals. 💗
Elisa Schmitz
Thank you for sharing and welcome to 30Seconds!
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