How to Build Resilience in Kids in a Post-COVID World: A Resilience Checklist for Parents Parenting

Noel McDermott
2 years ago

The COVID-19 crisis has tested the resilience of families across the world. The important question now is, how do we teach ourselves and our children to move forward? I encourage families to look at their successes throughout this pandemic, rather than look to the unknown. 

Knowledge Is Key: Be Armed, Be Resilient

Knowledge about health and the virus and the associated timescales is one of the key resilience factors in managing our stress responses to this situation. Understanding and normalizing experiences allow us to contain our fear responses, not only protecting our psychological health, but also that of our kids. The new metric for us is not about infection but about hospitalization. It’s quite a change to make to stop ourselves from experiencing adrenaline when we hear that the delta variant is sweeping across the country, but the truth is the vaccines are doing what they say on the tin: breaking the link between infection, hospitalization and death.

When doing a risk analysis, we ask ourselves two key questions: 

  1. What is the likelihood of the risk? 
  2. What is the severity of the risk? 

To these questions we had been saying high for both, but now we are saying the likelihood may be high but the severity of the risk happening is low. This means it is safe to be exposed to the risk. If we can contain our fear through better knowledge and insight into the current situation, we go a long way to helping our children do the same. Children copy us, they don’t usually listen to us! Don’t run around shouting "don’t panic" at the top of your lungs, be congruent in the verbal, behavioral and emotional messaging your give to your kids.

Building Family Resilience

Resilience is about developing flexibility in dealing with difficult life situations and the more flexible we are, the more open we are in times of change and the more confident we will be that we can manage whatever comes our way. Look back over the last year, we have managed to live with an extremely challenging set of circumstances, and this is evidence enough you can deal with whatever is coming next! Look at your successes and pat yourself on the back, rather than look to the unknown.

Focus On the Here and Now

Ask yourself, in this moment am I OK? If the answer is yes, then you are OK and will be so in the next moment and the next. Focusing in this way on this moment, the here and now, may reduce any feelings of fear or depression. Mostly, in the here and now we are fine. The more we can allow us to inhabit that, the less stress we will feel and the better equipped we will be to deal with change and challenge. Teaching your kids to do the same will be of enormous benefit to them, through truth be known usually it’s kids who can teach us adults more about this skill than we can teach them! Depending on the age of your child they will be very adept at finding what is pleasurable in this moment.

Resilience Checklist for Parents and Children

  • Socialize with people you like, love and enjoy the company of.
  • Get involved in activities with others that allow you to meet new people with shared interests.
  • Stay in the here and now when you being to worry about the future. Managing fear feelings may reduce your psychological distress and improve your decision making.
  • Develop or maintain your talk times at home to discuss worries.
  • Vector away from the old metrics of infection into the new ones of hospitalization and deaths.
  • Focus on your successes in getting through this very challenging year rather than worrying about the unknown future.
  • Volunteer and help others. This will contextualize your concerns and make the world a better place.

Most of us have developed some great psychological habits this year from being together more, family meals, events, connecting to others, having a stable routine, etc. Keep that going and continue to prioritize the healthy habits of regular exercise, good food and lots of time together. Many of us have found we have had more time and more incentive to share feelings over the last year to 18 months, this is a great habit to keep going.

This isn’t a time for new adventure, it’s a time for settling in and processing. It’s a time to focus on gratitude for coming through this healthy and alive. For most of us our first instinct in the first lockdown last year was to reach out to those we love that we had not seen or spoken to in a while. Let that be your instinct now and focus on love for others and love for yourself.

The content on is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be considered medical advice. The information on this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, and is not a substitute for professional care. Always consult your personal healthcare provider. The opinions or views expressed on do not necessarily represent those of 30Seconds or any of its employees, corporate partners or affiliates.

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Comments (4)

Donna John
Really good advice here, Noel McDermott . Always learn so much reading your posts.
Elisa Schmitz
"This isn’t a time for new adventure, it’s a time for settling in and processing. It’s a time to focus on gratitude for coming through this healthy and alive." This is really insightful and helpful, Noel McDermott . Many thanks for this excellent post.
Resilience truly is so important for happiness.
Mike Prochaska
Stay in the here and now when you being to worry about the future.. love it
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