Editor's Letter: Do More of What Brings You Joy (Plus What's Trending On 30Seconds This Week) Editor's Letter Career Entrepreneurs

Elisa Schmitz
2 years ago

The redbuds are in full bloom! These magenta trees are popping flowers like purple fireworks, and seeing them sparkle lights me up inside.

It’s not just their breathtaking color. It’s the way the tiny blossoms work to amplify each other. It’s the elegant arch of the branches that creates a dazzling display. It’s the limited time we have to enjoy them before their flowers are replaced by green leaves (any day now). Redbuds command attention, and seeing them in their glory brings me true joy.

Yes, I see you, redbud. And when I see you, I can’t help but smile. I stop to give you my full attention and the appreciation you deserve. I tuck away that joy you give me, hoping to savor it a little longer, or to pull it out when I need inspiration.

What brings you joy? Look around. Go for a walk. Take a drive. What lights you up? Whenever you notice something that makes you pause or gives you a smile, do more of that. Put yourself in situations that make you feel that spark whenever possible.

Because light is inspiring and sparks can turn into flames. Let’s share our joy and let it catch like wildfire.

Here's What's Trending On 30Seconds This Week

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Comments (4)

I love redbuds. So pretty!
What a positive perspective. Spring is my favorite season. 🌺
Elisa Schmitz
Thank you so much, Tribe , Julie Rose and bepositive ! I'm feeling the joy, and so much hope, right now. I appreciate you reading along with me, and I hope you're finding your joy this spring, too.
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