Will We Ever Get Back to Pre-Pandemic Normal? And What Is "Normal" Now? My Vent On the New Normal Opinion

The question isn’t when will we get back to normal, but if we will ever get back to normal. Will we ever be mask free? Will we ever be able to shake hands again? Will we ever be able to walk into a restaurant without fear? Will hand sanitizer become a normal part of our attire? 

This whole crazy year has changed our attitude about the world, other people and what we see as normal. I’m looking forward to enjoying something other than planning my next meal. Mealtime has become our go-to activity for the day, and we’ve gained the extra pounds to prove it. Sweats and ponytails have become the latest “fashion trend.” Will that change? Or will we always dress for comfort? Will we go back into the office or have we discovered the joys of working from home? What about shopping online? Has this become our new norm? And deliveries! Will we have all of our groceries, meals and dog food delivered to our door from now on?

Yes, we all look forward to family and friend gatherings, but it may become the exception rather than our daily expectation. Have we become used to jigsaw puzzles, binging TV series and Netflix movies? Has the dog become used to all the daily walks? Or does he run when he notices you looking in his direction with the leash in hand? Frankly, I’m tired of checking my supply of toilet paper to make sure I won’t run out. I’m tired of watching the news. I’m tired of checking my car before I get in to make sure I have a mask ready for use. I’m tired of wondering if I should get a COVID test if my nose runs. I’m tired of trying to log into my granddaughter’s school pad with the correct code for her next class meeting because the 15-digit code is waaaay too long for a child in kindergarten to memorize. 

Suddenly a simple haircut has become a luxury. A school bus pulling up to let students off is unusual. A meeting without ZOOM is rare. (And trying to find a proper background for the meeting can be stressful. My yellow walls are beginning to make me look funny.) The Amazon delivery truck in front of our house has become as normal as the daily visit from the mail carrier. A hug from a friend might someday become normal again. 

Let’s hope that becomes normal again.

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Comments (3)

Right there with you. 😞
Hang in there. We can do this!
Elisa Schmitz
You're asking all the same questions I have. It is such a confusing time. I do believe we will find a new normal, and hopefully sooner rather than later. Hang in there, Charlene Torkelson . We can do this!
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