How to Stop the Grinch This Christmas? Show Him This Photo From The Gem Foundation Make a Difference

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. This picture of Moses and Hamza is a story of actually thousands of words of care, support, prayers and love at The Gem Foundation

Their joy didn't happen by chance, but because you cared! Their stories of tragedy have turned into victory and their stories of pain have turned into a hope-filled future. These are the stories of all our Gems! 

The moment our foundation saw this photo, we imagined Moses and Hamza had just been told over $175,000 has already been given for their new assisted living homes. We imagined them talking, laughing, celebrating that their forever homes will become a reality. With only $145,000 needed to finish the two homes, we can see that the finish line is within reach. Together we will reach our goal and the groundbreaking will begin in early 2021. 

Take a moment, gaze at the picture and sense the joy these kids feel knowing we will never give up on them. NEVER! I guarantee this photo will put a smile on your face. And, if you should encounter the Grinch this Christmas, show them the picture of Moses and Hamza and watch their smile emerge.

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Comments (2)

Elisa Schmitz
Pictures truly are worth a thousand words. Thank you for shining such a bright light during dark times, The Gem Foundation .
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