Revelation Wellness: Where Your Body & Heart Come Alive for Faith & Fitness! Faith & Spirituality

Tiffany Zook
5 years ago

What happens when faith and fitness collide? Two close friends are traveling to Phoenix to find out. They are participating in a program called "Fitness Teacher Gospel Preacher" by Revelation Wellness.

Revelation Wellness states on their website: "We use fitness as a tool to spread the Good News Gospel Message of Jesus! We believe that as the body of Christ gets healthy and whole, we will be fit for our purpose – to proclaim and spread the love of God to the ends of the earth. By the power of God and the gift of His good grace, we desire to impact the world for good by bringing health and healing into a lost and hurting world."

Revelation Wellness offers a nine-week online instructor training and a seven-day retreat intensive course on week 10. I can't wait for my tribe members to return from Arizona to mentor me in this unique ministry – love God, get healthy, be whole and love others.

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Comments (5)

Donna John
Sounds amazing! I hope those tribe members will write about their experiences!! Tiffany Zook
Elisa Schmitz
How lovely! Thank you for sharing such an enriching experience, Tiffany Zook . I agree with Donna John - it would be great to hear from them how it was!
Tiffany Zook
Here’s an inspiring video from Revelation Wellness:
Jennifer Frost
I love Revelation Wellness. I hope you are reaping the benefits from your friends! ❤️
Tiffany Zook
Jennifer Frost, small world! Good to hear from you!
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